How much have you lost? How long did it take? Where did you start? Best tips.

cjjh123 Posts: 21 Member
I'm 2 weeks in and feel like I'm doing Ok but I'm walking around with a little pressure headache ( I've been eating foods with salts but I'm going to add more tomorrow)

Curious to see how other peoples journeys are going Looking for encouragement.


  • ShanBanKrup
    ShanBanKrup Posts: 55 Member
    edited January 2017
    I kinda fell into the low carb diet by accident. I wasn't really happy eating as many carbs as I was and just decided to not eat as many and over time sort of preferred eating similar to a Keto diet. I don't consider myself a pure keto dieter but at times I've been pretty much along those lines. I lost about 20lbs within the past year and a half now and I'm at my lowest weight and I feel great. I have more energy and I don't crave the bad foods I used to eat tho at times I struggle here and there as I am an emotional eater. I started really getting into low carb last summer and still going strong. My daily carb amount was about 45g for a while, sometimes more but averaging around that amount. And now I'm around 20-30 average daily and I feel great. I struggle with not eating more fat which is why I tend to be more of a low carb eater instead of a keto chick. I would say find what is right for you. Not every body is the same and I would suggest also to listen to your body and give it what it wants. Get in tune with your hunger. Just earlier today I knew I needed to eat something despite emotionally and mentally not wanting to. Instead of being a jerk to myself I reached for a healthy snack of three stalks of celery and light mayo. The guilty feelings were there after but then I praised myself and expressed thankfulness for being healthy and good to my body and not abusing it. We all can be so horrible to ourselves man with diets.
  • genmon00
    genmon00 Posts: 604 Member
    Hi! I started in May 2016 lost 28 lbs so far I eat LCHF but I'm usually around 50-60 total carbs which I'm good with. I tried 20 but I was always going over. My blood sugars are excellent I'm T2D which is the main reason I started this WOE. I recently started watching both my cals and carbs which is moving the scale faster it made me realize that even with the natural appetite suppression of lc I was still eating out of habit which is why I was losing so slowly. Learn your true hunger cues that's been real eye opening to me
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I lost about 30lbs pretty steadily in 3 months and then another 10lbs in about 2 month. I maintained it (mostly for about 8 months) but then my health took a bit of a dip, and I was increasing carbs, so it led to about 10 lbs regained - I tend to gain when not feeling my best.

    I think I lost a bit faster than average but I am insulin resistant and have some AI issues that responded well to the diet, plus were in an inactive state during that time... All my stars aligned. LOL ;) Re-losing that 10lbs is slower going this time.
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    I have lost 34kg in 4 years. I lost 0kg in 2016. I still have 14kg to go. I have been calorie restricted keto this whole time other than about 3 months last year where I had surgery - I was still keto but ate too many calories - hence the no weight loss, I actually gained and then lost about 5 kg for the year. Gaining weight is 1000% easier than losing it. I can put on a kg a week without even trying, but I have to work super hard to lose 0.5kg a week.

    This month I've dropped about 2kg, but I've had to restrict my calories to a really low amount to make this happen. It's not sustainable. Everyone is different though, some people drop weight without trying very hard and some have to work for every gram. I remind myself though that even though it's been long and slow 34kg is a huge amount. I could still weigh 120kg right now if I hadn't done something about it.
  • Scochrane86
    Scochrane86 Posts: 374 Member
    I am much newer than most of these posters, I have lost 12lbs in 14 days. But I notice a difference in the progress photos I have taken which is a nice change for me!
  • AngiesCookie
    AngiesCookie Posts: 74 Member
    I had been on this LC diet before, and lost the 30 lbs that I then regained when I returned to my love affair with pretzel sticks.

    back at it since last sunday (1/15) and down 11 lbs.
  • swezeytba
    swezeytba Posts: 624 Member
    14 lbs. in 44 days.
  • dancing_daisy
    dancing_daisy Posts: 162 Member
    I lost 30 lbs between March and June of last year on 1000 - 1100 calories a day plus light exercise. Would not recommend this to anyone, some of what I lost was muscle because I was eating so little. I've had to retrain my brain to realise that the numbers on the scale are by no means the most important thing in order to gain back some muscle to be healthy.
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,599 Member
    I lost about 50 pounds and 4 inches on my pants waist size last year. I did not really start tracking things until October when I was diagnosed T2D. I started LC to try to control glucose levels and around the middle of December hit a plateau with the weight. I stuck with the LC through the holidays and had a checkup to check A1C in early January that had me at 53 pounds down since the previous January's physical with the doctor's scales and everything.

    I have since tightened up on the carb levels and calorie count. I seem to be losing again. If the scales this morning are correct, I am down 60 pounds total. Today's weigh-in may be a fluke, so I am not totally confident it is really down 60 pounds. I would like to be down 83 total on the doctor's scales in July. I want my glucose levels to improve some more.

    My real goal is to get off the diabetes meds.
  • kimberlyb6682
    kimberlyb6682 Posts: 79 Member
    31.8 pound as of this morning I'm 3 days shy of 4 months. I started and am still doing stricted low carb and then added a daily intermittent fast of 16 - 24 hours depending how I feel.
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    I've lost 37 LBs in 4 months and 2 weeks...Starting weight was 194 on September 6th and at last weigh in I was 157...I did LC until Dec 19th and now I'm doing LC with OMAD.
  • conklil
    conklil Posts: 81 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi, I just started Saturday, and I lost over 1 lb and stuck with it and bam this morning I am back to where I started. I'm staying under my calorie goal as well, walked my puppy 4 miles and had over 10K steps too. I know about fluctuations but dang. I also know I shouldn't weigh myself everyday, but I do. Sometimes more than once a day.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    conklil wrote: »
    Hi, I just started Saturday, and I lost over 1 lb and stuck with it and bam this morning I am back to where I started. I'm staying under my calorie goal as well, walked my puppy 4 miles and had over 10K steps too. I know about fluctuations but dang. I also know I shouldn't weigh myself everyday, but I do. Sometimes more than once a day.

    Don't let it get to you. If walking 4 miles is above and beyond your normal activity level, you're probably retaining water from the extra exercise. It's just temporary and certainly not fat gain.
    I actually like weighing daily because it taught me how completely normal the ups and downs really are.