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You could always add me :)
Lost almost 100 in a space of a year, went from 280 to 188 but I still can't lose the extra fat in my lower belly and back!! Sucks
College student too. Similar story but the reverse used to be about 290 my freshman year now I'm a junior mad im 190lbs. You can do it!!! Just added you
College kid here....Been on a low carb diet for about 4 months now, and lost almost 40lbs. Hoping to continue this year if classes don't get me depressed and fat :( add me anyone
Aye, I'm a junior in college too looking to add new people and build a better fitness network. Add me
There's really no workout you'll "enjoy" from the jump you just gotta have the mind set that whatever you're doing is for the greater good and will help better yourself.....overtime you'll notice you actually now want to do it cuz you enjoy it. :)