hgnatovskyi Member


  • I try to workout before my shifts! I know I will be way too tired afterwards to get one in. I also will take 10-15 min, if time allows, to take the stairs from the ER (where I work) to our top floor then come back. What really sucks is most people like to order food
  • I typically drink a premeir protein shake after a workout if it's late in evening or night. Just because I don't want sugar before bed (the shakes have hardly any) and I am trying to build muscle so I like to always have something with protein after my workouts. I think it's just preference. If you aren't eating enough…
  • Thank you guys!!! The only thing I drink is water and I do eat a lot of green vegetables. I think, as it was said above, I do have a sensitive stomach as I used to see a GI so instead of taking the recommended dose I switched to half and felt less bloating yesterday! I plan on adding some more raw fruit into my diet…
  • Yes, do not cut your carbs too much if you're a type 2. Especially if you're on an insulin or oral diabetic drug. It can put your body into diabetic ketoacidosis which is extremely dangerous. I would advise talking to your doctor or a nutritionist on what you need to eat to also lose weight. But carbs are a must for…