ladyv_39 Member


  • I have in past years for vacations and holidays. I haven't taken off a full week this year yet. It's likely that I will later this year though, around the holiday season.
  • I'm 46. I lost 71 pounds on Weight Watchers 14 years ago. Due to job and relationship stress, 35 pounds crept back on over the last two years. Last year, I halfheartedly attempted to lost weight again simply by going to the gym, but I didn't change my diet nor track what I was eating, so naturally, that didn't work. This…
  • Do I like it? Not always, as it does get tedious even though I don't weigh every single thing. I took a two day break last weekend and ended up gaining two pounds. So for the time being, I have to keep at it.
  • Everyone is aware of the obesity issue. A lot of people just aren't willing to control it. As far as the reasons for it-technology is a big culprit. More people sit around all day watching TV/playing video games/surfing the net and we aren't as active now as we were even 30 or 40 years ago. I grew up in the 70's and 80's.…
  • I'm lactose intolerant. And I don't like soy or almond milk. Whole milk is also too calorie dense for my diet, so when I do drink milk, I get the 1% or 2% Lactaid brand, which is expensive. Target has a lactose free variety that is cheaper but I don't get to go there that often.
  • I wish the following sayings would just die already: Carbs are the devil. I have cut down on processed sugar such as cake and cookies but 40%-50% of my diet consists of fruit, bread, rice and pasta. I refuse to feel guilty for eating an apple. And I've lost 10.5 pounds in 10 weeks so far. Gluten is the devil. This has been…
  • I'm moderately lactose intolerant. Milk affects me the most so I switched to the lactose free kind years ago as I don't like soy or almond milk. I'm fine with yogurt and hard cheeses, however, I don't consume dairy every day.
  • I'm highly sensitive to caffeine, so if I go for even one day without it, I get headaches. I've gone several days without soda on a number of occasions and the headaches stop after a day or two with a pain reliever. Caffeine is also a diuretic in that it takes away water from your system, which could explain the bloating.…
  • I agree. I'd get frustrated if I weighed myself every day and saw all the fluctuations. Once a week should be enough.
  • Congrats on your on weight loss but I'll pass on the exercise advice. Lifting every day sets you up for an injury because you don't give your muscles enough time to recover. I lift twice a week and do fine. And I don't have time to work out twice a day. Once a day for an hour is enough for me.
  • I'm new here too. Once I figure out how to send a request, I'll do so.