Awwww...that made my day. Thank you.
Up at 4:50 for a 5:30 OrangeTheory HIIT workout. I may be nuts, but despite the craziness of my new job I have managed to stay dedicated to my workouts. I may be exhausted, I may look like a@@, but I am proud of myself
All the girls are gone from the dorm, I just finished a major project with work, I have one more day of work before vacation, and no work I have to do tonight. Pajamas? Check. Wine? Check.
Best picture ever! Look at that smile!!
What the? Please tell me that is self tanner.
Benefit of living and working in same building? I keep popping back and forth from office to apartment to deal with a kid with a stomach virus. Oh, and campus plumbers are here fixing a nasty, nasty sink backup....they can't figure out cause.
I'm going to be THAT person and post two pics in a short span of time. Feeling guilty for being lazy, so, pre-gym cleaning fit. With lip gloss, of course. Because, lip gloss.
No makeup, no filter, no desire to get out of bed.
Private gyms are good....
Is your dad ok, Ali?
Just finished walking a *kitten* ton through the French Quarter in New Orleans on a vampire tour. Fun, but I am tired! And, conference resumes at 8:15 AM. Work hard, play hard.
You got it, @griffk44219
I love this!
Show off!
Drinking bourbon in an airport bar waiting for my flight. I am a living cliche.
Nyet! I mean, no way, @finny11122!
Yeah. The new profile every week is fishy....
Good lord, my MFP BFF is handsome....
Yep....but I made cupcakes for the girls tonight
No Halloween party here. Dorm duty until Monday morning. Boo.
I am on dorm duty all weekend and pretty much tied to my apartment. Here I shall sit [and catch up on work].
Awwww, I have not been forgotten. I love you mucho, @Lady_Spartan15!
I will fight you for him!
Psssht. Easy.
Do double coffee cups help?
Awww, @griffk44219! You are such a flatterer!
This thread is worth coming out of MFP Forum retirement for.
I am starting next month. I live at a boarding school and I have free access to the gym here, but the rules are funky in that I can't be in the gym by myself. I like to workout really early so I have one workout partner, but she is unreliable. My schedule is such that it is really hard to go later in the day. So, after…
I don't want to get up and work out.
Aww, @synchkat I am right around the corner!!!