orion_81 Member


  • TDEE - 500 calories is 2 pounds per week. I dont know what "magic" MFP works but it got mine very wrong in the past, giving me too little calories. For example it once suggested I eat 1200 calories a day while I am 68kg of muscle mass...
  • How are your stress levels?
  • You sound just like me! Only difference is that I managed to solve the problem. What I did: Sleep at least 7 hours daily Try to reduce stress as much as possible - running works for me but no other workout. But other workouts fortify my stress resistance. I almost match a diabetic's diet plan I eat 40% protein 40% carbs…
  • I lost weight with insanity max 30. I even lost weight with a video game everyone ridiculed; UFC Personal Trainer on the Xbox
  • You have to say no thank you I am watching what I eat these days. Nobody reacts to a no but some might make smirk comments about your reply. People should not make you feel bad for wanting to be healthy.
  • Insanity works very well but weight loss largely depends on your diet. Also, insanity is about hard work, if you don't push through workouts then you wont see results.