samiadg Member


  • P.s., THANK YOU for posting and sharing.
  • This is the most inspirational case I have seen. CONGRATULATIONS! You look amazing! What a great success story.
  • fatjon73: Its horrible how addictive they are. more horrible is the need for them. so you are off them completely now? if so, that's an accomplishment in itself. I've always been careful with pain killers. not a big fan of them unless absolutely required. so I hear ya :)
  • marshaeb93: That sounds so painful. Sorry to hear you are going through all that. I hope that you are reading all the advice above......the time and patience is key and we cant be too hard on ourselves.
  • Wow, how enlightening. brb_2013. that makes so much sense. Nekonemeow: you look great. hope my flabby arms looks as amazing as yours at some point. Thank you both for the encouragement. God bless!
  • I see from all of you a theme of great advice. Take it slow, be patient and it takes time. Gskiki: Thanks so much for the encouraging words. I hope you never get into any accidents. Socioguru: Thank you for reminding me how blessed I am and that it could have been worse. Way to go on your progress! And yes, I guess…
  • Wow. Thanks guys. Now I know Im not crazy. That's great re assurance. Thank you
  • Thanks sabified. I forgot to mention to everyone i am also recovering from a car accident so my workouts arent as intense as they sound and that the last couple of weeks have been super tough. after almost 2 years, i'm attempting to get on track. having said that, i had no idea that the muscles expand before they shrink,…
  • Oh, I didnt realize thats what 'open diary' meant. thanks Elizabeth! Yeah I am weight training 3 times a week and cardio 3 times within the same week. I didn't really measure myself, but the common theme i'm hearing is to just give it time. It's only week 2 after all :smile:
  • Paytra, yes, thats true. I didnt expect to see changes within the first month or two, but I certainly didnt expect to gain. You are right, it may be the water. Arditarose, I dont know what you mean about opening a diary. Thank you ladies for your response :).
  • Thanks for your response. I am doing 1200 calories a day. and yeah, using food scale.
  • Bubba, again, great tip. I didnt even think of that "the less I weigh the more calories I burn" you are right, its a great motivator. I'll keep it in mind. Thanks for your post and let me know how you are doing as you progress. that itself will be amazing motivation to hear a fellow MFP is making traction :)
  • Matt, thanks. I actually dont own a scale, but you are bang on the with exercising patience part. It takes a good 2 months for it to sort of show a little I guess is what I was told. So day 13...and trudging along. Thanks for the welcome and best of luck to you too :)