CTRLplusZ Member


  • You could try this... Ask them to email you legit medical resources so you can review with your doctor. (Act sincere). If they do email you continue to ask for more until they give up. They will think twice before giving unsolicited advice to strangers in the future...
  • My life was forever changed recently by a visit to Duck Donuts... Forever. https://yelp.to/qTKq/iKA7rv7IdG
  • 5'5.5" 165. If I wear my clothes that I've had since I've gained I could think I'm an 8 but purchasing clothes from the store have to be 10/12. I.e. I stretched out my clothes with my growing bottom.
  • Perhaps make the "cheat foods in smaller quantities? Instead of making a whole tray of brownies make a mini tin of them. Order the smaller burger and fries. Surely you won't eat as much if it's not there to eat? Also maybe make your "cheat" event take place at a gathering with friends. You may not feel as compelled to go…
  • Is he even overweight? The hopeful part of me says that once he's starts experiencing low blood pressure in the shower he will realize it's not a good idea but i don't know many people who don't have an existing or emerging eating disorder who would commit to a 28 day water fast. Your parents need to intervene. Even if he…
  • I meal prep because I don't have enough time to do it any other way. I've been cooking a week's worth of food every Sunday for years. I am the opposite of many of the previous posters. I find the need to eat every 2-3 hours but not necessarily meals. I eat a normal sized breakfast (eggs and meat, a bagel or a smoothie) and…
  • I think it's really a personal choice.... Without a doubt you'll find someone who will tell you it's bad but everyone has an opinion. My opinion is that i don't like the taste of canned soups, i would rather make my own however if i had to choose between canned soup or nothing, I'd eat the soup.
  • If you don't feel like eating then drink your calories. Make smoothies and shakes to supplement throughout the day. It's worked for my 7 year old who doesn't like to eat.
  • Luna and Larry's coconut bliss.
  • It's true that there is "research" that can back any way of eating as healthy and as someone who's already done it several times unsucessfully i don't recommend changing your way of eating out of fear of disease alone. If you are interested in trying a whole food plant based diet to seeif you enjoy it, if it makes you feel…
  • Jasmine rice with steamed Asian veggies in sweet chili sauce.
  • I know you said you are opposed to buying ice cream because of the chance of binging. I buy the single serve Hagen daas to prevent that from happening. (The teeeny tiny ones). I enjoy "oh yeah" protein bars, they are around 200 kc and are very treat like. The birthday cake, fudge brownie and almond bliss are my fav flavors.
  • My fav also
  • What is more important to you, the number on the scale or the appearance of your body? If i were in your shoes i would stop weighing and start using a measuring tape and progress photos.
  • I think that specifying what you are gaining or losing is important. It's easy to gain fat by overeating and being sedentary however gaining muscle is hard because you must eat and do activity that promotes muscle growth. Losing pounds is easily done by manipulating food and water, however lower weight does not always give…
  • I tried to add cauliflower to a recipe today. It had two choices for a 1 cup serving size, one was 75 cals while the other was 75000. This was on the same food item btw really funky.
  • I've been "meal prepping" for years simply for convenience. I work 11 to 8 so having my food ready to go in advance makes life simple. I spend a few hours on Sunday cooking and packaging. Basic weeks I'll just go simple with chicken breasts and steamed veggies with rice or potato. Salad with tuna is a go to lunch as well.…
  • Eat because your body needs the macro and micro nutrients in food in order to function and stay alive. Take care of yourself because that is your job and just keep remembering that food It's fuel, not reward and not punishment. Just fuel to keep you going.
  • Probably not the easiest method but I did a whole 30 where i did not eat any foods with added sugars for 30 days (plus other restrictions.) During that time I ate as much fruit as i wanted. Afterwards my taste buds had completely changed. I used to prefer Hershey special dark which i believe is 55% sugar and now i prefer…
  • "Oh yeah!" bars have similar macros to Quest. Birthday cake and brownie flavor are awesome!
  • Are there certain types of foods you cannot or are choosing not to eat with your current plan? I find it easiest and most effective to prepare most of my food on Sunday for the week and eat the same meals throughout the week. Also when i build my meal plan i always start with the protein sources, then the fats and finish…