nisa7210 Member


  • Nearly 47. ☺️ Still need to lose weight since quitting smoking 6 years ago. Will it ever go? =_=
  • Hi, I'm the same with the yo-yo dieting, I've bn on here a while but, i haven't logged on for some time. Kept falling off the wagon. I need to lose about 20lbs. It's hard going. I've done 2 days no problem. But today it's getting harder. I can't believe your hubby isn't attracted to you just for gaining abit of weight. Do…
  • Hi. Thanks I'll take on board your great advice. I really need to up my exercise. I tend to eat little and often as when im bored I feel hungry. I've tried drinking water etc.... But can't seem to shift this mind set from boredom. It was cigarettes once but been replaced by food. Thanks for your reply :smile: