Yo-yo dieter needs help

ande8307 Posts: 3 Member
Greetings, I'm a 28 year old recently married person who needs serious help. I'm 5'6 and weigh 190. Six months ago for my wedding I lost 18 lbs and was down to 166, so as you can see I have gained it all back and then some. My husband says that he's no longer attracted to me because I've gained so much weight back, which hurts but I know it's true. I've been tracking my food on my fitness pal for over a year but never shared my story until now, I just feel very desperate and need help. In order to be at a healthy weight I need to lose at least 36lbs. I excrcise (spinning, yoga, and weightlifting) 5 days a week. This yo-yo dieter needs some major help to stop this cycle.


  • nisa7210
    nisa7210 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm the same with the yo-yo dieting, I've bn on here a while but, i haven't logged on for some time. Kept falling off the wagon. I need to lose about 20lbs. It's hard going. I've done 2 days no problem. But today it's getting harder. I can't believe your hubby isn't attracted to you just for gaining abit of weight. Do it for yourself. What are you weak points? Mines now, sitting watching tv, i just want to snack.....
  • ande8307
    ande8307 Posts: 3 Member
    I know, it's tough. I really am doing it for myself this time and if there happens to be collateral benefits all the better
  • andreast1970
    andreast1970 Posts: 17 Member
    Me too... 6years I've done yo-yo dieting 4 times. Lost each time 55lbs... Why did it go on: stress, not caring about your self, self-steam, issues, problems you name it all. But that's all wrong... I believe now on my 5th go it's going to work... Why?

    1. You got to believe in yourself you can do it.
    2. You really want to do it.
    2. You got to get your family behind you to support you
    3. Focus, focus, focus.
    4. Use MFP - share your success as well the failures. Friends here will lift you up again.
    5. Be active on this network of MFP
    6. And most important: set the goals for yourself, not for others.

    I hope it all goes well for you. Feel free to add me
  • sarabushby
    sarabushby Posts: 784 Member
    I'm afraid the answer is terribly dull, don't 'diet' just make sustainable changes to your lifestyle. A few more in the shorter term to drop the weight then adjust for maintenance. This will be easier if you set your weight loss goal per week low, e.g don't try to hit 2lbs a week as that's going to be more like a crash diet, you'll probably eat some crazy low calorie leavel to create a deficit and then low and behold it's a shock when you 'fall off the wagon' two weeks later.

    Just set a small deficit, say to lose 0.5lb/wk and build more activity into your day. It will work. Just be patient and know that by doing it slowly you have more chance of successfully maintaining the weight loss long term.

    Good luck with your journey.