DJ2963 Member


  • Greetings all:) I have been on MFP previously but had some knee issues last year and I fell off the train. Had lost 20 pounds but gained it all back and totally out of shape again but I am rejuvenated and ready to begin my HEALTHY LIVING JOURNEY again. I liked the format of this discussion and would really like to be a…
  • Common theme here is we've all or at least most of us have been on MFP at some point prior to now and we've all lost and regained. Well I am in this group as well and now working on getting back on track. I am 53 and baby stepping my activity level but working on it. I am up to 2 miles of walking, which is sometimes hard…
  • I guess I had better get a food scale. Any advice on what kind?
  • I would like to join as well. I am a new MFP member and still learning how to navigate and work the site and tools. Not to mention I have 75 to lose and motivation and support is always welcome both ways
    in Friends Comment by DJ2963 January 2016
  • Yes I can!