Any other ladies out there over 50 fighting to stay strong, healthy and fit?



  • Joannevee2016
    Joannevee2016 Posts: 13 Member
    looking for friends to make my accountable.
  • Collieluv
    Collieluv Posts: 16 Member
    I will be 70 in December and I would like to stay healthy. I work part time in a day care, caring for 3,4 and 5 year old children. I say this is what keeps me young. I am going to retire in June, 2017, and I have a fear of getting lazy, fatter and old. I say old because people that I just meet think I am 56-60. I need all the inspiration I can get.
  • nurselinda8
    nurselinda8 Posts: 22 Member
    Month 4, Day9 -- I am still on my plant based only diet and doing pretty good!! I have lost a total of 44 lbs and feel a whole lot better!!! I highly recommend this lifestyle to anyone!!sum27oli1lxw.jpg
  • dlite4lady
    dlite4lady Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, you look great. Keep it up. I am doing the keto diet. Iam finally getting the hang of it. Havent lose any weight but the inches are coming off. I need to take photos so i can actually see the difference. Hoping this way of eating will help my fibromyalgia and weight loss a bonus.
  • mishtruman
    mishtruman Posts: 1 Member
    Yes! I turned 50 in October and wanting to be better than my 30s and 40s! I started Keto Jan 1 and am down 15.2 pounds so far. Looking forward to sharing ideas :))
  • sae12
    sae12 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi everyone being over 50 I've noticed losing weight is a struggle, but I'm determined I will not give up. I'm eating healthier, exercising more. and I try to stay away from processed food
  • DJ2963
    DJ2963 Posts: 7 Member
    Common theme here is we've all or at least most of us have been on MFP at some point prior to now and we've all lost and regained. Well I am in this group as well and now working on getting back on track. I am 53 and baby stepping my activity level but working on it. I am up to 2 miles of walking, which is sometimes hard as I work night shift at a hospital, its not the nights I work its the day after that I don't walk, I am usually pretty drained. I wouldn't mind the buddy system. Team work keeps me honest.