clioisms Member


  • Oooh CICO= calories in and calories out, I’m dumb lol
  • Wow thank so much everyone! I didn’t expect so many insightful responses! To answer the “fell off question” I do recipe development and then was asked to do food reviews. I was sent to Asia to review and most of the food is not paleo friendly That being said it’s interesting how last year paleo was (as someone said) the…
  • That’s amazing! I’m so happy you found success with the diet and are able to stray a bit with no pain! It really is such a healing way to eat and makes you be creative with what you have, and paleo definitely offers enough to be creative with, how far away are you from your goal if you don’t mind me asking? What’s been…
  • Thank you! And happy late birthday to you too! Has AIP help you? Do you feel better? In the first 2 months it was super hard but I’ve been able to be paleo for 10 months! I only taste what I have too for work like little tastes but when I choose to eat something is when I try to do better. It’s still hard sometimes with…
  • I order ice tea or unsweetened almond milk lattes (hot or cold) And I use maple syrup as a sweetener substitute. ITS DELICIOUS! Don’t be put off it’s super good! I practice paleo and maple syrup is ok to have, just a tablespoon is pleanty for a 12oz drink
    in Coffee! Comment by clioisms April 2018
  • Wonderful thank you!!