jsuh1993 Member


  • you need to find something else than food to fall back to... I just dodged a bullet myself... Almost ordered the 18 piece boneless wings from Buffalo Wild Wings - 2000 cal "night snack." Hey still 30 mins left till the store closes.. Have major discipline. Don't let yourself go because its the weekend.. and get plenty of…
    in help Comment by jsuh1993 February 2016
  • I used to eat only one meal a day for about 2 years. It really was due to my busy schedule, than trying to fit my diet plan. But I really liked it when my body was used to this because I can actually eat anything I want for that one dinner meal - Fitting into 2000-2500 cals. Hell I think I was losing weight as long as I…
  • It's your birthday!! Haha I could do Taco Bell 2x 12pack and not feel guilty on my birthday!
  • Cut your budget.. Surprisingly helps!
  • Farmed salmon imported especially from Norway has MUCHHHHH more fat content than wild ones (from Alaska). The less amount of white stripping you see, the better it is!!!!
  • There are a TON of different rice variety. Some are extremely rich in fiber and is very healthy and can help you. But odds are, you are going to be eating something like white rice, which is as bad as white flour..... I really would not recommend eating only rice.. Trust me I know a lot about rice haha
  • Water weight + weighting scheme. It's not something totally crazy. Expect it not to continue to keep up the work outs. Worst thing you could do is start eating a lot, thinking you will continue to lose at that speed. 3~4 lbs is less than 1 kg a week. With our body, I say that's something certainly doable with your workout…
  • With 2lbs/week goal, MFP is giving me around 1400 cal or so in avg to consume. The overall purpose of this thread was me trying to look ahead to see what kind of water weight I had lost (and no longer expect to lose so fast) and see if metabolism slow down has any real effect..
  • Male, 6ft tall, 101kg initial weight, Extremely sedentary (no workout) I started with 101kg. It's been 3 weeks or so and I am at 93kg. So around 8kg in 3 weeks but I assume a big part of that is water weight. My daily calorie intakes have been up and down.. There were couple of days I went and had 2200-2400 cal and other…
  • Thanks for the reply guys! When it comes to moderation, just a psychological thing.. I rather have at least one meal that fills me up, if I am going to eat such calorie. With that said, I decided not to go wild with the tacos last night, which I am certainly feeling good about today!!
  • My question then follows.. Let's say I didn't even meet my target for the day. But wouldn't I LOSE that half pound if I didn't consume the 12 pack? As in.. Whether I decide to go over or below the target consumption, it still contributes to half a pound worth of fat (gain or loss) right? Oh and if Im going tacos Im gonna…
  • Mu understanding is that you cant target fat loss. it will lose as a whole, but I don't think there is something you can do on your own to actually target specific part of your body. What I have been doing is muscle work out on the specific part, but I don't think that was even significant.
  • Erging... Mostly leg muscles + abs & arms!
  • Coffee and caffeine! There is no TRUE suppressant. Everything else is marginal and getting low stress is best bet.
  • My 2 Cents: I think food is very addicting - at least the sugary and the fatty ones that you might have had exposure to all your life. There are studies that show the similarities between how your brain response to sugar and some other popular hard drugs. In a sense, food is like drugs.. With that said, some people can…
  • Maybe vegetarian versions? They still pack carbs, but honestly, less cheese, etc gets you going..
  • Great to hear many feedback. Thank you! I had some doubts about the idea, and now it makes a lot more sense!
  • First thing I am ttrying to do is get the food right, and find the energy to work out. MFP was giving me 1400 something cal to eat a day.
  • Right now, MFP is forcing me to take in 1410 or so in calories. I am trying to take in less + Work out more to see if what kind of goals I can achieve. Right now things are capped at 1kg/week. I am looking for something that is more flexible..