emilyvictoria7 Member


  • I felt the exact same way as you about six months ago! I started with a trainer I did 3 sessions with and she taught me the six basic movements and made some improvements upon my form. I didn't love her style and I stopped with her after she was a bit flakey (cancelled 3 appointments last minute in a row). I started…
  • I considered myself to be an absolute fitness newbie last April, and now I'd consider myself a slightly less new newbie! I don't know about other folks but what worked for me was lost of experimenting in the beginning. I started doing bodyweight workouts at home but didn't really like that, so I decided to do C25K and…
  • I can give you my list for this week for myself (and my partner, but she has a few items I'll leave off as she is not calorie counting). My breakfast is almost always 3 eggs and a banana, and my lunches are most commonly tuna or egg salad with a mixed veggie salad so dinner is the most interesting part of the day. Dinners:…
  • My top two are definitely social eating and mental wellbeing. I was doing really well with my diet and nutrition for a year, lost 62lbs, then got slammed with a wicked bought of depression. Four weeks of eating everything (and I mean everything), no exercise, smoking again, yikes! When the weather perked up and I went back…
  • I always input how I make things and specific to my own ingredients. Primarily because sometimes the ingredients I use vary (i.e. two different brands of almond milk have different caloric information). If I were making roasted potatoes, I would weigh the potatoes and then measure out the amount of oil (assuming I'd eat…
  • Hi Bethany! You’re more than welcome to add me as a friend. I have an open diary and post regularly. I love support and supporting others in their journey is an important part of this process. In Dec 2016 I started losing and last year I lost a total of 62lbs. Then some crap happened, now I’m up a few pounds and slowly…
  • I second the 50-30-20 split! I was hungry all the time at 1600 and finally went to see a dietician when the scale stopped after losing 60lbs. She suggested my protein intake was too low. I now eat about 80-100g daily per my body mass and have found that super helpful. I also highly believe in eating for fullness so I will…
  • I started the C25K back in April and it took me about 10 weeks to hit the final day instead of 8 but it was TOTALLY WORTH IT. I ended up running a 5K the last week of August, and then continued building to a 10K the first week of November. I did not however, enjoy C210K. The way they do the pacing just didn't work for me…
  • I've got a total of ~110lbs to lose. Started at 270lbs, aiming for 160lbs or less depending on how my body looks and what strength training/recomp looks like for me. Currently down ~60lbs sitting just under 210lbs with another ~50lbs to go. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • I don't have anything to offer in terms of why you wouldn't see a larger weight loss (because I don't know much about weight loss in general!) but I noticed in the beginning that my weight didn't move as quickly as the inches came off. Some of this is probably water related - you're not as bloated due to better eating…
  • I used to be big on 2 large meals a day but I was skipping breakfast, and would be starving before dinner. Slowly integrated breakfast back in, but still at 3 meals a day I had weird periods of hunger between meals. I'm also someone who doesn't like to graze all day, I really like having a full meal because I love eating…
  • I'm taking it slow because I'm a typical yo-yo dieter (or was, I'd like to think I'm past that now). I knew that if I made big changes they just wouldn't last because I'm very habit driven. Even now, after taking my first 2 week diet break the last two weeks of December I'm struggling a month later to get back into the old…
  • I quit on May 29, 2017 and made it until Christmas (in those few months I would say I bummed about six cigarettes after nights of heavier drinking, but never went back to regular smoking). Around Christmas time I got hit with two major stressors, a breakdown in a personal relationship and a massive disciplinary issue at…
  • I lost 60lbs in a year, started at 270lbs, 5'10. Gained 5lbs back during my two weeks of holidays. I didn't put a timeline on my weight loss and focused on more a -1lbs deficit weekly, plus adding in exercise I enjoyed. My goals aren't for weight loss but for personal satisfaction (i.e. I ran a 5K then 10K and will soon be…
  • I'm currently maintaining from my 10K training throughout the winter until some of the ice thaws here. Running on the treadmill is crap compared to the street though so I am reluctantly maintaining! Then training for my first half marathon in May. Hoping to begin training from 10K to the half beginning in February. :smile:
  • I'm not personally vegan but my fiancee is so we eat (and I cook) a lot of vegan foods :smile: Always happy to have new pals!
  • I love when people post their before pictures because sometimes they remind me of my before pictures and are huge motivators, and sometimes they look like where I am now (like yours!) and remind me that my body is normal and can continue to work it. I've lost 60lbs and am sitting around 210, a little taller than you are,…
  • I do not believe 100lbs in a year is realistic. Mostly because you'll probably hate every minute of it - especially in the beginning which leads to a huge lack of motivation and eventually giving up. Which was also the lifestyle of yours truly until a year ago. Literally, 364 days ago I started using this app. I started at…
  • I have around 110lbs total to lose - started losing 358 days ago and exactly halfway there at my last weigh in! I echo the sentiments above, I started with a lot of active friends and that has decreased recently. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • Let me add that my PT is an osteopathy student who does PT in her free time to earn some extra cash so she works at a reduced rate, out of a private gym. So I can learn with her for cheap and workout at the gym I'm at without paying for their wickedly expensive PT sessions there!
  • Not even remotely male, however 23yo female also new to lifting and I actually ended up starting with a personal trainer - nothing fancy or frequent, just meeting with a PT once a week for about an hour to get down a basic routine to start building the muscle groups. Turns out my running 4x a week has left me with an…
  • Congratulations!!! I completed C25K early this summer and it was the biggest fitness accomplishment I had ever made. I ended up running a 5K, then building to a 10K in November. Keep it up, my friend! Also, take good care of your legs and hips - lots of stretching and cool downs!! :smile:
  • I originally started with a 5K and used the C25K app which worked for me in the beginning until I realized running is a LOT of mental energy, not just listening for the beeps for the rest. I ran my 5K in August. Then I switched over to a training plan I found online - Hal Higdon's 10K Novice Training. I built up from 5K to…
  • We just moved from Hamilton to Grimsby a few months ago! Hello neighbor!
  • I'm aiming for 71lbs right now (to get from 270lbs to 199lbs) then onward at least another 20-30lbs! :smile: I'm down 50lbs now! Feel free to add me!
  • Hi Krystal! Congratulations on your progress so far! My stats are similar, and I also have an overall goal of 100-110lbs to lose. I'm almost at 300 days! Height: 5'10 Age: 23 (on Wednesday) SW: 270lbs CW: 220lbs GW: 199lbs - by New Years hopefully UGW: to be determined! I'm losing my weight painfully slowly however, I know…
  • I've lost 50lbs in 9mo with another 20 to go by the end of the year - then perhaps 30/40 more until I'm comfortable! I'll add ya :smile:
  • I'm 5"10, 23 and a cat mom of 5! SW: 270lbs CW: 220lbs GW: 199lbs UGW: tbd! Feel free to add me :smile: I love having other motivational women on my newsfeed!
  • You can do this!! When I first started with C25K I thought I was going to die. I was still smoking and my chest always felt like it was going to explode!! Definitely get pants that will stay up - a bad pair of pants 100% ruins the run! I agree with above posters, jog super slowly. Like literally barely a run. You'll build…