alexbewley55 Member


  • Hi Beth, I'm a parent myself and am overweight, my daughter is 4 and since watching the minion film constantly uses the phrase 'fatboy'. Though I'm not offended as I know how she means it, it got me thinking. First of all both me and my ex (her mother) are overweight, the hardest thing to do is find the motivation to make…
  • I get what your saying guys and I think your right, maybe I'm being far too strict on myself, I had a knee reconstruction 3 years ago and piled on weight I'm desperate to shift, if I hit 180g protein 180g carbs and 80g fat would this be more beneficial to my weight loss as opposed to my current very strict diet? Also would…
  • Apologies also I train 5 times a week minimum broken into 45 mins cardio and weight training for 45 mins, 10 reps 3 sets per exercise minimal rests between sets and splits like this: Day 1: Chest and Triceps Day 2: Back and Biceps Day 3: Shoulders Day 4: Legs Day 5: Abs/core Sometimes I'll train 7 days and do one big…
  • Proteins 232g carbs 232g and fats 52g but am not hitting them. I don't want to lose Lean body mass which is why I'm asking the question, I am struggling to hit the macros eating clean and wholesome. I don't want to thrown random junk in, just stopped a mild red bull addiction lol (2-3 cans a day). Any idea on hitting…
  • I've got a TDEE OF 3056 and am only hitting 1600 calories at best, that's after exercise of 700/800 calories burned. My diet is as above, I never feel hungry etc but don't wanna be too low if it's gunna slow down weight loss
  • Ok thanks guys, I suppose my real question is that the low macros I am hitting, are they too low to lose body fat percentage and then when I hit desired level raise to maintenance by adding in all of the above?? Or are they too low to see results?
  • I'm having a fuel 10k porridge cup for breakfast, cheese and onion baguette for lunch and chicken and rice and/or veg for dinner, no snacks and only drinking water