babybird2016 Member


  • Thank you to all that responded. I currently track with Glucose Companion. RainaProske I will try your suggestion.
  • Squats with kettlebell or so some kind of weight. Crunches on balance ball. Donkey kicks Fire hydrants
  • Thank you for sharing. I have Crohn's, gastritis, gastroparesis, and worsening diabetic neuropathy. The cost of obesity is very high. I am struggling to find a balance as well and it has been very difficult.
  • Loving this! Need all the motivation and support I can get. I am 52 and at my halfway mark. Working on a heart healthy plant based diet...moving in that direction anyways. Need to stay focused. Some days are easier than others.
  • The terminology is confusing. Vegan, vegetarian...? I am going to follow Dr Dean Ornish plan for Reversing Heart Disease. I am going to have to slowly transition since there seems a lot to learn. I need to lose 40 pounds. Heart disease runs very strong on both sides of my family. Everyone has died young from a heart…