msjodi777 Member


  • @pkotterman Been a while since I've hung out in the communities, but I saw your note and had to read the thread. Just after my 69th birthday in May, I decided that I wasn't going to get any younger, and I wasn't happy getting fatter and fatter with a heart that protests with every 10 pounds I gain, so I joined a gym. That…
  • To lplanck4 Coming late to this party, I know, but I just want to say you should NOT be discouraged. I joined a gym, and started working out, and after 2 days at it, wound up in the hospital with afib - totally NOT because I was going to the gym. The meds were changed, and I had all my doctors' permissions so I went back…
  • I have one of the chain mail scrubbers for my cast iron pans, and really like them. In fact, I use them for a lot of things including my fine Lennox china. Can't do without my cast iron. Have been using it for well over 50 years. Unfortunately my mom hated cooking so she didn't have any to pass on to me. But I will pass…