60 and sluggish



  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    edited July 2017
    Don't wait as long as I did to get things under control!

    I'm 66 and in the last six years, my numbers slipped upwards at the doctor's office. Not weight. That stayed steady at twice what I ought to weigh but those other numbers. Finally, this summer, I can't take the heat at all without showing signs of heat exhaustion and weakness. Inflammation is taking its toll. I'm now back paying attention to portions and avoiding salt and slowly losing the weight. It's a pain in the neck but it sure beats the alternative!

    A few weeks in and 15 pounds down, I'm starting to feel better. I still have well over 100 pounds to go but the discipline to do this now is REQUIRED. I want to die in my 90s while rocking to the Stones, not in my late 60s and in pain.

    Sorry to be such a Debby Downer but this is our lives we are talking about!

    Stones? Hell, I'll be cutting rugs to Bob Wills at that age!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    tsazani wrote: »
    I'm 59. Supposedly in "very good shape".

    I played full court basketball this AM for the first time in 3 decades. I SUCKED! I played two 30 minute games. My heart rate was in the red zone (90-100% MHR) the entire time. I got "gassed" really quickly. I was a detriment to my team.

    So I spoke to the best fitness trainer at the YMCA where I played BB this AM. She's a 61 year old ex-jocky who looks as fit as Jack Lalane. She told me that I need to do HIIT exerises and to keep playing basketball 2-3 times a week if I ever want to play competently with these guys who are mostly in their 30s and 40s.

    I hope I'm not being stupid. It's really easy for me to get injured with these young guys.

    It's the kind of stupid you will be proud of. Play on.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    @pkotterman, take time to build your stamina.
    Going at it hell for leather may cause a bit of burn out, or injuries that set you back.

    It won't return overnight, but you may be surprised at how fast your fitness level does return.

    Take your time with the weight too. If you only have 30 to lose it is slow.

    60min of something 6 days a week works well for my long term exercise aversion maintenance.

    I am lucky my rec centre is just across the sports field so I can go pick up a drop in class, have a swim, or spend some time in the gym at the drop of a hat.

    Cheers, h.
  • msjodi777
    msjodi777 Posts: 3 Member

    Been a while since I've hung out in the communities, but I saw your note and had to read the thread. Just after my 69th birthday in May, I decided that I wasn't going to get any younger, and I wasn't happy getting fatter and fatter with a heart that protests with every 10 pounds I gain, so I joined a gym.

    That was almost 2 months ago, and as far away from my goal as I was, I still have a very long way to go, but trust me, I plan to celebrate my 111th birthday drinking champagne at the gym after I work out. Trust me, I am really looking forward to it. All I have to say, is that life is too short to spend it sitting in a chair watching tv. There is so much to see when you go out, and lots of people to meet. One of the things I enjoy most about my gym, is that people will let you stop and ask them questions about how a machine works or why they do certain exercises when they are there. I've made so many new friends there that it is lots of fun just to go in to see who is there that day. And yes, I do take classes. I like the classes, and amazingly enough, I enjoy being one of the oldest in the group. (there is a 90 year old man who walks to the gym regularly so he can work out. Haven't met him yet, though because he goes at a different time from when I go.) And my advice to all those young kids is to keep at it, don't ever let their desire to stay fit get away from them. They really don't want to end up like me, coming back after 20 years away sitting at a desk all day, and in a chair all evening. Said it before Life is just too short for that. Keep at it girl, you can do it. <><
  • snowyjr1
    snowyjr1 Posts: 18 Member
    Enjoyed everyones comments. 59years old, and obesity it causing health problems. I will do it this time. Would love your suppo. Drop me a line.
  • pkotterman
    pkotterman Posts: 83 Member
    snowyjr1 wrote: »
    Enjoyed everyones comments. 59years old, and obesity it causing health problems. I will do it this time. Would love your suppo. Drop me a line.

    It's so tough just making the choice to be healthier and then sticking to it. We need each other on this journey!
  • pkotterman
    pkotterman Posts: 83 Member
    @middlehaitch I have to say- I Love your picture! Thanks for the inspiration. I am about a mile from the Park District gym, and I am going to give that a try. Might as well take advantage of my tax dollar investment! I live in Chicago, and can walk or ride my bike nearly everyday if I make it a priority. Right now that's my goal- to get out at least 5 times a week and do something. Thanks for your post.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,883 Member
    pkotterman wrote: »
    Since I started this thread two weeks ago, I've really been watching what I eat and walking at least 15 min a day- most days more. I've only missed one day in 14. It's great progress- but I have a long way to go.

    Manageable, incremental progressive changes can be a great strategy: Groove in some good new habits as a foundation, then build on those. Consistency and persistence are very important, and what you're doing is getting you there.

    Some few of us can handle a personal life revolution, changing everything dramatically all at once, but for many that can result in burnout. Slow & steady is good.

    Cheering you on!
  • pkotterman
    pkotterman Posts: 83 Member
    Joined a fitness challenge that is kicking my butt- literally. Walking up to 25 minutes at least 5 days. Felling pretty good!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,883 Member
    pkotterman wrote: »
    Joined a fitness challenge that is kicking my butt- literally. Walking up to 25 minutes at least 5 days. Felling pretty good!

    Good show: Keep up the good work, and keep it sustainable!
  • RedSierra
    RedSierra Posts: 253 Member
    edited August 2017
    pkotterman wrote: »
    I've never really been much into the community on MFP- but I need some motivation and advice. I didn't have much trouble with my weight until I was about 50- and the last 10 years I've gained over 50 lbs!!! The worst part is I gained 40 of it in the last 2 years. Exercising has never. Even fun for me- but now it's tough, so I figured if I could find a few people to inspire me and hold me accountable that might help. I'm starting a walking plan (I used to walk half marathons!) and a commitment to healthier eating and portion control. Would love to hear from others in a similar position.

    Good for you for starting to turn your health around.

    I'm 63, lost 40 pounds in six months, and have maintained for almost a year. I didn't have a problem losng the weight. The MFP food/exercise diary has been very helpful. I was obviously overeating, sitting on the couch too much, and eating to please other people.

    I believe age has little to do with weight gain. The gain is due to excess calories and lack of physical activity. Whether you're 60 or 20, you'll gain if you eat more than you burn.

    Exercise doesn't have to be tough or not fun. I saw that you've been walking the past two weeks. That's an excellent start.

  • pkotterman
    pkotterman Posts: 83 Member
    @RedSierra Your post was a big help this morning. You are right- I lived in AZ and was outside doing something year round. When I moved to the Midwest, I really started to gain. The first winter was brutal! My goal is to take advantage of the summer and build better habits again. Thanks for the note.
  • pkotterman
    pkotterman Posts: 83 Member
    Ugg. Had a BAD day yesterday eating- went out on the Riverfront with my boyfriend and ate and drank too much. Today- water- lots of it, and double the exercise. But I'm back at it. I think that's what matters. I've been really watching the calorie and carb intake. Clearly need more fruits and veggies so that's going to be the goal the rest of the week.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,883 Member
    pkotterman wrote: »
    Ugg. Had a BAD day yesterday eating- went out on the Riverfront with my boyfriend and ate and drank too much. Today- water- lots of it, and double the exercise. But I'm back at it. I think that's what matters. I've been really watching the calorie and carb intake. Clearly need more fruits and veggies so that's going to be the goal the rest of the week.

    Yep: When the horse bucks you off, get back on. Drama about it burns no extra calories.