nubian101 Member


  • Hi, congrats on the work so far! I am 5ft 6 in tall and 51 years old. My start weight was 194lb on Jan 6 2016. 10 weeks in I am 15lb down, now at 179. Goal is 165 lb. I've lost 3 inches off bust, waist and hips, 1.5 in from thighs, 0.5 off calf and upper arm. I am sticking with 1200 cals a day and walk 4 miles every day.…
  • Hello, can I join you lovely ladies? 51 year old Uk woman with 13 lb gone and 21 to go! You are insiprational!
  • I am also a special sort of snowflake! Started just after Christmas, 10k steps a day using my misfit shine, calories limited to 1200 by weighing and counting food here, down 13lb in just over a month, an inch of each thigh and off my hips,. Sure seems to be working for me!
  • Can I be here too? I'm 51, have lost 13lb since Christmas, another 21 to go!
  • About 4 years ago I lost 12 pounds with them in 3 months, and it cost me around £100 in membership and books etc. That worked out at £8.33 a pound, lol. I came here after Christmas and have lost 13 pounds in just over a month, and spent precisely ziltch. Each to their own. At the end of the day losing weight is not rocket…
  • I certainly am, thank you, lovely people, for your support and advice. Also some other people might read this and form their own strategy for if it happens to them! Learn from me, people, I'll make the mistakes so you don't have to!
  • Name: Karn Age: 51 Height: 5 ft 6 Start Weight (1st February): 181 Goal Weight (1st March):174 5th February: 12th February: 19th February: 26th February: 1st March: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week:
  • Next time it will be thank you and trash, I think. I am so mad with her for putting me in this situation and so mad at me for being such a walkover. Ha ha!
  • Ah, she was stood by my desk holding it out and she would not let me say no... and everyone was watching me say no and her push it on me and I felt that people were staring... I just checked out the calories in that flipping cake and it's no dinner for me tonight if I'm going to stay on track!
  • Hi there, I will be fifty two in July. I've been here a month today and have lost 11 lb so far, 19 to go! Welcome to MFP!
  • Hi there! I'm 51 and in the UK, lost 10 of my 30lb excess since boxing day, I'd love to offer you support if you want to add me.
  • 1200 Calories a day, 1000 steps a day, lost 10lb in 22 days. My bum is firmer, my stomach is flatter, I'm thrilled to bits! 20lb to go, going up to 1200 steps a day from tomorrow. It DOES work.
  • Me too - Nubian101
  • Nubian101
  • *Waves bingo wings* Hi! I'm in Yorkshire. But you will have to add me because I have no idea how to do it!
  • Hi! I am a British woman aged 51 with 30 pounds to lose in total. I joined here when I got my Misfit Shine activity band for Christmas. I've lost 9 pounds since Boxing day, walking 4 miles a day and eating sensibly, 21 to go! I'd love some friends but have no idea how to do it!