
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 3,013 Member
    Hello to all: Have had a good day but putting off dealing with the Medicare thing. I think the only solution is to call and one always gets put on hold for so long. I just need to do it with "alacrity" like Barbie. Sympathy to all of you dealing with the ice and snow. That is one really good thing about the move to WA, the lack thereof.

    Mary - I have tried smaller free weights and not too many repetitions but it made my shoulders really sore. I watched a video to try to be sure form was correct and included rest days. Any hints?

    Katla - We leased our first horse. I wanted to be sure we would be able to commit to the time and effort. It was a really good experience and after a year's lease we finally bought a horse. I owned him for 24 years. We now have three horses between my DD and I. I have to say owning a horse here is definitely more expensive than in SD.

    On meditation. I sometimes do a walking meditation, breathe in for four steps and out for four steps. With each step you use one word such as " I breathe in peace, I breathe out joy". You can use whatever words work for you or fit your situation. This can work especially well with a labyrinth.

    Take care, Sue in WA
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Tonight spent my night cleaning my house made me feel like I accomplished something. Since my recent long term relationship ending I have not been taking care of things including myself. Just have to get past a vacation that we are both supposed to be on in a couple of weeks then maybe I can really move forward. Going to make more of an effort to eat better and focus on me.

    All the positivity in this group helps get me through the day.

    Anne from Wisconsin

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,161 Member
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good night!!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Lenora, schizoaffective disorder is often a garbage diagnosis for "I don't know what I am seeing" but used PROPERLY, it is a cross between bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia where the person has the mood swings of bipolar disorder but also has pscyhosis (delusions or hallucinations- thoughts not based in reality or sensations not based in reality) that are INDEPENDENT of the mood swings. Most people with bipolar disorder have psychosis when they are manic, and maybe some when they are severely depressed. People with schizoaffective disorder can be euthymic (normal mood) but still have psychosis. Most of the people I knew that were diagnosed with it didn't fit the correct definition. Sometimes it was because the psychiatrist didn't realize the person was using illicit drugs, or they were showing signs of a personality disorder such a borderline personality disorder but the psychiatrist cannot get paid for a personality disorder and the person cannot receive help. I saw a few people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Bipolar disorder and the docs were interpretting the obsessions as psychosis. Diagnosis is so often not accurate, and the docs are very reluctant to change a diagnosis (fear their peer may get sued?). Does that help?
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited February 2016
    Ladies, for all who are praying women or just sending positive thots. Please send them for my great-nephew (sister's grandson, 27 yo) was drinking heavily last night fell and hit his head. He was later found unresponsive and rushed to hospital. He is on total life support and there appears to be no brain activity. They will take him off of life support in the morning. This family has seen more than their fair share of heartache. They buried their son when he was 29, car accident drinking and driving. It is all so tragic. I can't think straight at the moment.

    Oh, I also had a letter waiting when we arrived home today saying my doctor, the one I just saw before Christmas for shingles, died unexpectedly and I need to find a new doc. :(

    Thanks for your support, prayers and positive thots.

    Janetr OKC
  • mbrown862015
    mbrown862015 Posts: 9 Member
    I love the fairy garden pictures, I am getting excited to start planning/preparing our garden for planting as soon as the snow and freezing weather is gone.
    Thank you all very much for your support and motivation.
    Marti :)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sue in WA - I suggest that you look at the Stronglifts 5x5 site they have videos on form. I know that shoulder and neck issues can be caused by hyper extending the neck during squats. Imagine a pole going through your head and spine. Eyes forward chin down not tilting head back! I'm trying to find the link on doing the lifts with Dumbbells. Maybe Barbie, Heather or DJ still has it. I'm waiting for a message back from the original poster of it. There is a little muscle soreness with starting any program that is trying to increase strength and size of muscle. I'll let you know what I hear.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,700 Member
    Hi gals,

    Heather - The cost of drugs are crazy!!!!! But I do hope she is completely approved and it works for her – what a gift that would be. How nice of your ex!!!! If all ex’s offered up low rent houses in france I’d want one for myself (an ex that is) LOL

    KJL – so soak your crusty pipes in cheap (or the good stuff if you want) white vinegar, if there is a way to get them in the vinegar great if not a rag soaked in vinegar wrap the crusty part and leave it for a few hours, that will dissolve the mineral deposits.

    Janetr – sending you all the uplifting, peace filled thoughts I can… and some ((((((hugs))))))))))))))

    Had a very busy but fun day today, spent about 2 ½ hours with my 24 year old godson, enjoying appetizers and a drink at PF Chang’s (if you guys know that place – kinda Asian fusion) So nice to spend time hearing how he is and what is up next in his life. I was “reasonably” good based only on the description of the food, just did not think to pre-log (duh!!!!) so a cocktail and sharing of 2 appetizers came to 857 calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Logged it owned it, had a light dinner – and am glad there is a tomorrow! Because of exercise I did not go over, but I really do not like to eat back my exercise calories ….

    Kim from N. California
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Kim - thank you

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Hi everyone new and old. Finished moving but lots of unpacking to do. I am exhausted and my knees are really protesting. Kids are starting at their new school tomorrow - hurray!!! I started my food diary back up so on the right track. Cannot find my scale so don't know where I'm at right now - all I know is that it is in a box somewhere. I gave up on trying to keep up with January so now am just concentrating on February. Really tired so goodnight all and I'll be in and out until I get more settled. <3
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    Janet in OKC - sending hugs, prayers, and more hugs.

    ❤️ Rosie in So C
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sue: I am considering a partial lease of a horse in addition to my lessons but tend to tell myself no for now. DH would support the idea & I will consider it. Right now I have a list of excuses. Broken arm is at the top. My teacher saddles up the horse I ride or I wouldn't be riding at all. She has been doing the saddling since before the break because I'm to wimpy to lift her 3 ton saddle over my head. I'm thinking of looking for a used light weight endurance saddle so I can woman up & do my own saddling.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,036 Member
    Morning ladies~
    well bounced out of bed at 3:40 in the morning and I meditated for 10 minutes and just had a cup of tea.. and am charging my surge.. i must not have charged it long enough as it only lasted 3 days..
    we are going to have a nasty commute this morning as we are getting freezing rain turning to snow.. Tom working 1/2 day so he took my car and I am taking the new Volt.. an a little nervous but luckly I only have a couple of miles to go to work....
    Janet~ how heartbreaking,that your sister has lost one child to drinking and on the verge of losing a second.. your family is in my prayers...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,650 Member
    Gloria - Well done! It has certainly been a marathon effort! Hope things come together for you soon. :flowerforyou: <3

    Janetr - So sad for the family. :'( I know you will be a strength for them. ((((Hugs))))

    I discussed the French trip with DH and he was upset because I was upset about all the cricket commitments. He obviously felt guilty and went very quiet. Thinking it over, and having had a bad night with leg pains (tension) I decided it was not to be. I don't want to go in August and that really only leaves October. Not ideal. Also, DH wants to drive and I want to fly/drive so that is another problem. I will tell my ex that we can't make it this year, but might be interested next year. Once DH has got his cricket fixtures! :sad: Grrrrrr!
    We are now thinking about where to go for our birthdays in October. :*

    I will do my writing this afternoon. o:)

    Love to all, Heather UK

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited February 2016
    Heather wrote: My friend in London who has the advanced secondary cancer has just been offered a new drug.... Anyway, I thought of telling you because the cost of the drug, prior to discounts etc. is $118,000 a year. :noway: I imagine the NHS is getting it free or hugely discounted for a trial period. Of course, over here she doesn't have to pay anything.
    My parents still sometimes talk about how I was "born free" in contrast to my sisters, who had to be paid for. I happened to fall due when my father was doing his PhD at the London School of Economics, so the NHS covered my birth. (Thank you, all British taxpayers of the mid-1950s!)

    and later in the same post she wrote:
    Had a delightful lunch with my friend in Winchester. I had soup and fish with kale. :D Declined all bread and potatoes. Had two small glasses of wine, so none tonight.
    Heather, there's a special corner in my subconscious where I'm collecting all your comments about what you ate and didn't eat, and what exercise you did to make room for this or that indulgence. I'm hoping they'll help me (a) get down to the weight I'm aiming for and (b) maintain it once I get there.

    When I stepped on the scale yesterday morning I saw the lowest number I've seen in all the eight years I've been keeping records. Ya-hoo! smiley-gen013.gif I ate over budget yesterday, not because I figured I was home-free and was "allowed to", but because I was hungry. Then in the evening we went to a concert (the annual Polar Jazz Festival is underway up here). I continued to overindulge and had a small glass of wine. But then I also hit the dance floor and shook my booty ("like a teenager" to quote my friend the pastor, who observed the spectacle). I hope it burned up some of the excess.
    Becca you and your sins are very creative!
    Beth - Your typo really cracked me up. Are you sure it was a typo, and not a Freudian slip? ;)

    Lisa - Good to hear from you. It's been a while. However, you did warn us you would be writing so much elsewhere you might not post much. Best of luck with your freelancing. I'm suffering its negative flip side at the moment. So is Sylvia, apparently, with a sudden deluge of drafting jobs. In theory I have tons of stuff to do, but right now essentially everything is on hold because I'm waiting for input from other people. People who work for a salary and don't understand why a quick response is so important to me. smiley-angry035.gif

    Janetr in OKC - So sorry to hear about your sister's family's tragedies, and your doctor's sudden demise. Sending good thoughts and (((((hugs))))).

    Gloria - Nice to see you again. Packing, moving, and unpacking – such a hassle!
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,650 Member
    Penny - Well done on that "lowest for eight years" number. :drinker: What a great feeling! My number is the same as mid 1990. :laugh: I was HOT then. :D:D:D

    Heather UK

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Penny so very happy for you living at your lowest weight in 8 years, that is a great place to be and to keep going!

    Gloria glad that you've got the BIG move behind you, you'll find that scale when you need to, right now just enjoy having the kids off in their new school. Moving is one of the top 5 challenges families face, so be good to yourself and be proud as well that you've gotten back to logging.

    Janet okc I am so sorry for what your family is going through, keeping you in my thoughts.

    Heather probably for the best to postpone the trip to france, I know for my DH soccer takes the lead in schedule for all of our weekly obligations as well as trips! He just needs that soccer in his life!

    Some light snow here in NY has given me a delayed school opening so I can enjoy a second cup of coffee and a chance to clear up the kitchen a bit more than my usual once over.

    Enjoy that cruise DJ and send us some pictures to live vicariously through you!

    Karen from NY

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited February 2016
    Penny - been there... It was one of the reasons I quit design work. I designed websites for a bit in the salad days of the web, and ended up having to institute a "three and done" piece in my contract, where they could have three major revisions, and if they still didn't like it, then the half they paid me up front was mine, the rest was theirs, and they were free to go. People so often know what they DON'T want, but have little idea what they DO want. (And congrats on lightest weight in eight years! Rock on with your bad self! :))

    The gig I'm working means I never, ever have to talk to the client. They can request edits over text commentary, and I do them--but if that gets to be too stupid, I can put up a message that says "writer respectfully declines edit request," and go on my merry way. Haven't yet, probably won't, but knowing I can helps a lot. If a client gets salty, I just flick a message to support and they deal with it.

    If I progress at the current rate, I should be up to the next level of pay the middle of next week and SHOULD be able, in theory, to earn $300 a week or more working four to six hours a day, five days a week, once things settle down. So far, they pay on time, the checks don't bounce, and I get to work where I want, when I want. Makes me happy. Please note--I'm working triple the rate most of the writers who actually talk about it are working, putting four or five completed posts up a day right now, while most who say anything about it in the forum are proud to put that up in a week. It's an interesting dynamic.

    Got to go see what subjects are up for grabs!
    Love you guys,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,036 Member
    and away I go ~ out to shovel snow :open_mouth:
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Janet OKC- prayers and good thoughts coming your way for your family! So sad!

    Kim- thanks for the heads up on the white vinegar soak for my pipes! I will try it before I try the WD-40!

    I am SO glad it is FRIDAY!!! Hot cocoa girl arrived with another hot cocoa this morning. This time a 20oz! I think her dad hates me. Anyway, she decided she didn't want it, after we got it portioned into a cup her size, and dumped it down the sink. Whatever, kid! At least it's not on my floor today!

    In kind of a funk today, missing my daughter! She got married last summer and moved to Fort Worth. She is doing well, working and all; she has been making triple payments on her student loans, so she is almost out of debt, which means...she and her husband are starting to plan for children. I have no grandkids, yet. They say that they want to move back our way to raise their family, but it is hard to move once you get settled in a place you like with a job you like. I think it is time I go for a visit. Maybe over Spring Break...
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Anne from WI- I hate the thought of cleaning, but once I get started I find it almost meditative or cathartic. I am a clean house=clean soul kind of girl! Once the clutter and the dirt are gone, I feel so much better about life!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,161 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Janet, so sorry!

    Heather, I can understand your decision not to go, but boo hoo! It sounded nice.

    Lisa, always good to "hear" your voice.

    Gloria, welcome back. Take time to take care of yourself!

    Penny, congrats!
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Janet, so terribly, horribly sorry for your family's loss.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Kim, thanks for suggesting vinegar to KJ. I was going to do so when I read her post, but then forgot about it.

    Janetr, I am so very sorry about your nephew. Heartbreaking!

    I do not envy those of you shoveling snow. I'm thankful for my Georgia weather.

    My church is having a soup fundraiser on Super Bowl Sunday to raise money for our ministry that makes sack lunches for the local soup kitchen. We are supposed to gather at the church at 9:30 this morning to make the soup. Well, my strength training class is at 9:15. I can't (don't want) to be there until 11:00, so I peeled and chopped 10 lbs of onions by myself last night to do my part for being late this morning. I just hope that my hands don't reek of onions at the gym.

    Weigh-in day: down 0.4 lb. I'll take it. Slow and steady. Slow and steady!


  • nubian101
    nubian101 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello, can I join you lovely ladies? 51 year old Uk woman with 13 lb gone and 21 to go! You are insiprational!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Vickil57 wrote: »
    Happy Thursday! Well I made it to work again this morning. City was working on the streets so was better, still a mess. I am working until at least 6 tonight if not later. But then I am off the next four days, if nothing else happens.

    Lillian--I like the idea of putting jobs in a jar and drawing them out and doing for an hour. I will have to try that also. Let me know how it goes for you.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE

    Yeah Vicki- you are off for four days too!! Well my jar idea worked until my hair dresser called and said she had a cancelation and I could get in. Otherwise I accomplished two things. Laundry and vacuuming.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Long day today... so I have caught up with everyone here and now off and running...in my car (sigh)... and will end it with a curling game ...bonspieling weekend ....Yeah!!!

    Lillian in west Central Saskatchewan