hcolbourn Member


  • Well done on the 47 pounds! You have inspired me to lose the 15-20 I am hoping to lose over the next 6 months!
  • I need to lose around 15-20 pounds too, and nothing is going to stop me from achieving this goal! I am 5ft 2 and 140 - so around 12 pounds overweight, but if I lose a further 7-8 then I will be bang in the middle of my ideal weight... Plus I am bored being overweight now :)
  • Hello, I only started running two years ago. When I started I could barely run for one minute without tiring. At first I was so ashamed of myself, but I decided to turn one minute into two minutes, two minutes into four minutes, and I built on it over time. I am now doing 5K charity runs regularly, and have done a few…
  • Hi, there is nothing wrong with having a Cheeseburger now and again, but save it as a treat! You do need some breathing space in your diet and fitness plan but if you keep everything in moderation then you will be fine. One way I feel motivated is by signing up for charity races - I then know I have to train for it... I…
  • I am starting on this again! Christmas killed me, and need to get back on track too! Good luck with the new routine, and it can be enjoyable when you are cooking up really healthy food!