Slacking off over here

Hey Guys God bless. I been slacking off lately i haven't doing a good diet. One day I do good the other I mess up. I feel discouraged I was doing great for 6 months I have lost 47 pounds and my next goal is 20 more pounds but i can't get out of here...I just want to eat lately without counting calories its gotten hard for me :(


  • LHWhite903
    LHWhite903 Posts: 208 Member
    Hey, you lost 47 lbs! That is awesome! Don't stop, now! Not when you're almost there! Go for fifty and give yourself a non-food treat, like a movie or a new outfit, to celebrate! Then, keep going. :smile:
  • dragerk
    dragerk Posts: 19 Member
    47 lbs! That's awesome! Six months of hard work and dedication has paid off and I bet you are so pleased with yourself and the results. You should be! But don't slip back into old habits!!

    Maybe you could use a little bit of a break. If I were in your shoes, I would eat at maintenance for a week or two. Still log EVERYTHING, still do weigh in to make sure you're still on track and not losing progress... but this way you can eat a bit more and hopefully cure those binge cravings. Then after your break, get back into it and eat at a deficit!

    Congrats again on your progress so far!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    well done on your loss so far
    why not eat at maintenance for awhile so you have a little break
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Great job!! Maybe you need to shake it up a bit, to get yourself back on track? You seem to not have gone off of it, but just need a boost. You're doing great!
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    1st great job so far! I would stop thinking diet and start calling it lifestyle change. You are going to need to train yourself to eat the proper portion of foods from here on out. Eating quality foods is also a bonus. The only thing that will change is you may need to increase calories a bit when you want to maintain. Usually will take care of itself when you ease up on your counting. You just got to stick to the plan ans keep at it.
  • Chaagy
    Chaagy Posts: 109 Member
    I'm not sure I can give good advice because I fell off the wagon 2 years ago and gained back 20 of 30lbs that I lost. All I can say is, I wish that I'd stayed on track. I do think that after 47lbs lost, it might not hurt to give yourself a little time off. Congratulations, by the way, that is an amazing loss in itself.

    However, losing weight again now, I realize that mindset is the most important thing for me. If I am not fully committed to doing it, I won't do it. I lost my commitment, and I wish I hadn't. I'm not sure what it was, I had reached some success, and I guess I was feeling pretty good, and I let my foot off the gas, and I never put it back on. I have no real excuse for doing that. But I wish I hadn't.

    This time, doing the MFP thing, I feel different. I lost my commitment once, and I don't want to do that again. I'm disappointed in myself that I did. I'm tired of yo-yo-ing. I'm not going to do that anymore.

    My only advice: When you lose weight, its very motivating. But it's highly demotivating, when you see your hard work slipping away. Don't get into that cycle. You have 47 reasons right now that prove you can do it! So why not finish it?

    PS. I did suggest maybe a little time off. But I think if you're like me, time off is a bad thing. I think that is one of the things that made me lose commitment. I think everyone has different ways of managing, we all have different paths, the trick is to know which path is right for you.

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Sometimes a diet break could do your body just as good at it could your mind. When you say you can't get out of here, where is here?

    Go to maintenance for a while it still requires counting and logging that's the bad part.

    Can you determine what is going on in your life that is making you feel this way? Are there any distractions or could you just be tired at the moment doing the counting and logging every meal or every day? If you have that guilty feeling every time you eat and not count and log, where it that coming from? It sounds like you are, because you wrote about it asking for some help.

    Determine if you need a break, and how long the break may be. Could it be a couple of days or weeks? And is the break worth it if you were to derail any of the hard work you have put in to loose those 47 reasons to keep going?

    Just think about it and sleep on it. If you eat today things you would not normally, go ahead and decide what tomorrow will be, tomorrow..
  • daltonjsmom
    daltonjsmom Posts: 74 Member
    Hello, Suzu, I have felt like you feel now many times in the past. I am currently 53 lbs. into a 100+ lb. weight loss. As depressing a thought as it may be to you at this moment, I have finally accepted (at the age of 43) that I will never be one of those people who can eat what she wants. I will always want to eat more than is good for me. I will always have to track what I eat. I will always have to exercise. My husband is a giant--6'5"--who loves to eat out. I will never be able to eat like he does. I (and he) will just have to accept these things for life. Every day is a struggle. It's not what I would have chosen for myself, but every day I do the best I can and get right back to it. My MFP pals are my best support. Anyone can feel free to add me if they are looking for support!
  • hcolbourn
    hcolbourn Posts: 6 Member
    Well done on the 47 pounds! You have inspired me to lose the 15-20 I am hoping to lose over the next 6 months!

  • Suzuki4life7
    Suzuki4life7 Posts: 25 Member
    Awwwww thanks guys for your words of motivation i greatly appreciate it. I will consider the maintenance thing sounds good. Thanks so much for the support! xoxoxo