MrsBaaadger Member


  • Hi! I just wanted to say good luck and you can do it! I was almost identical to you 1 year ago. I was 39 yrs old and weighed 210lbs. I didn't want to be overweight when I turned 40. I'm now 145lbs and so much happier about myself! It really wasn't as hard as I thought either, I'm quite competitive so the more lbs I lost…
  • I am guilty of very little exercise. I've lost nearly 4 stone on reduced calories alone. I am working on upping the exercise and have been doing more toning exercises but I should probably increase the cardiovascular too!
  • Sounds like you're doing just fine to me. You can't sustain a loss of more than 2lb a week. Lower your target, aim for 2-3 stone initially, it's a lot less to get your head around. As you approach your goal you can extend it if you feel ready to.
  • Good point, everyone is different. Nice to get some tips from others for ways not to feel hungry though :-)
  • The same, I find it helps my motivation to weigh daily even if gain a bit as it helps me keep focussed.
  • Only once around my birthday which lasted a few weeks but I was still losing even if it was only 0.5lb. I've only had 1 weigh in where I've gained and it was less than 0.5lb!
  • Totally agree! I'm almost at my target of 4 stone lost since January this year, I should reach my target in about 1 month averaging 2lbs a week throughout. I've not felt hungry, I've not craved and I can actually say I've enjoyed myself! I don't exercise enough which is something I'm working on so I've mainly lost but…
  • You're right and I'm trying to keep it to 1.5-2lb a week it's just some weeks have been more for some reason. My husband has told me to up my calorie allowance so maybe I should aim for 1400-1500? I've not been hungry so not felt the need to eat more and I'm in such a good place in my head at the moment (motivated and lots…
  • Hi I'm from England, in the South East. Started at 15st and have lost 25lbs since beginning of Jan (I'm 5ft 8") I'm hoping to be 12st by my birthday in May and 11st in time for the summer holidays! I'm sticking to MFP's recommended 1200 cals a day to lose 2lb a week and so far so good, some weeks it's more, some less but…