janesremedy87 Member


  • Getting back into the 150ties
  • I am not a picky eater in general but I hate eggplant. No so much the taste of it, I almost always would like that. It's a texture thing, I just can't swallow it without it making me gag.. Zucchini overcooked is another veggie I can't stomach. I like it raw though. I used to hate brussel sprouts but I usually eat them…
  • to finally get below 150. I really hope to achieve that in the next 4 weeks. I'm at 155 right now.
  • 1. stop eating when I'm not hungry anymore (listen to your Body) 2. eating breakfast (so I won't binge in the evenings) 3. working out even when I don't feel like it because I know that as soon as I have started, I like it 4. measure my Food. eyeballing it leads to overboarding ;) 5. not beating yourself up when you have…
  • I have quit alcohol for two months in the beginning of this year. Didn't really see a change besides Feeling better on Saturday Mornings ;) I have added it back into the diet but make sure to work it in my calorie Goal and only drink on Weekends or on planned Events. Works fine :)