jjelly_swag Member


  • Macros are important! What's your goal, weight loss, maintenance or building right now? That changes it a little. Add me as a friend if you want! Once we figure out your goal, I can tell you how I found mine. :)
  • First off, have a cheat meal!! Eat low fat foods the rest of the day. I always work out and have low fat food during the day, and have a cheat meal for dinner one time a week. It won't set you back if you don't overdo it. Everything in moderation! Take progress pictures of yourself every 8 weeks. I prefer in underwear, you…
  • One cheat meal a week won't hurt anything. Just don't go crazy...don't stuff yourself until you're so uncomfortable you don't want to do anything. There's a cheat meal and then there's being greedy lol. On my cheat meal day, I still work out and plan my cheat meal for later so I know that I will get the workout in no…
  • The picture on your profile looks fine? Is it an old picture? Just asking because sometimes it's not an unhealthy relationship with food necessarily, but an unhealthy body image that's being carried. Either way, make sure if you are dieting that you are getting enough calories every day, otherwise you will just end up…
  • I just track my calories, protein, carbs, and fat. I don't log my workouts on here, I just keep my numbers the same every day through the cut/bulk unless I see I need to adjust to get better results over time.