aguilar_k3 Member


  • It IS backed by science. As I've said elsewhere, the accepted consensus seems to be that antidepressants may cause a mix of both increased appetite AND alterations to metabolism. When I'm eating almost exclusively pre-portioned protein shakes/vegetable purees and doing meal prepping at home, it's pretty hard to make the…
  • It's honestly pretty irritating to have to educate people with an overly simplistic view of the body and metabolism, particularly when the effects of antidepressants are widely known. But since none of you can apparently do the work of learning about this yourselves:…
  • In case it wasn't clear, I spent well over a year trying to lose weight, and never experienced a sustained weight loss of any kind. The scale only went up overall. Somehow, in all the years of my adult life prior to being on antidepressants, I never struggled with understanding how to eat food or how numbers worked. Did I…
  • Yes, in theory I could try maintaining a 1200 calorie diet for life and accept that, any time I don't obsessively track every bite I eat--whether for a day or a week--I'm going to keep fattening up inexorably. Or, I could acknowledge the reality of this frankly horrible side effect and try making changes to my treatment.…
  • From what I've read, it's still not known whether the weight gain results from a change in appetite or to metabolism, but it seems fairly accepted that it may be a mix of both. I personally did not experience a change in appetite on citalopram. Prozac though, which I tried for a few weeks after going off the citalopram,…
  • I think the eyeroll I just did reading this burned a good number of calories, so thanks for that I guess. Anyhoo, your comment far underestimates my level of Type A major geekery plus a finance degree with an indecent love for spreadsheets. Sick of being dismissed by people such as yourself, I kept a detailed diary that…
  • My weight loss was something like 20% of the expected rate. I did think of doing what you're suggesting--adjusting my intake to account for the difference-but it would have put me at a very unhealthy calorie level in terms of nutrients. And that doesn't even account for absurd weight gain I witnessed when I fell off the…
  • I have to disagree with other people here--the medication can make you gain weight. I'm sick of people shouting "It's calories in vs. calories out!!!" while pretending that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING can impact the second part of that equation (even though we already know that isn't true). Unlike the the poster above, I kicked my…
  • If you look around, the science on this is definitely not settled, and people's experiences vary. From my experience, the medication absolutely impacted my metabolism. I'm sick of people shouting "It's calories in vs. calories out!!!" while pretending that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING can impact the second part of that equation…
  • I have to disagree with other people here--the medication can make you gain weight. I'm sick of people shouting "It's calories in vs. calories out!!!" while pretending that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING can impact the second part of that equation (even though we already know that isn't true). Unlike the the poster above, I kicked my…