Can you help solve an argument?

Both my sister and I are on anti-depressants. I've been on mine for many years and am 30 lbs from my ideal weight. My sister has been on hers for about 6 months and has put on about the same amount in that shorter time.

I thought that my metabolism from the meds was making it hard to lose weight. But once I started tracking my cals on mfp and setting a low enough calorie goal since I'm bed-ridden a few days a week, I've lost 5 lbs in 4 weeks. So my experience and the main opinion on here is that you need to run at a calorie deficit to lose weight. I was overeating for how inactive I am.

My sister is adamant that the meds are making her gain weight, she's no less active as she's been in an office job for years and that if anything, she's eating less than usual.

I think that that is physically impossible. She strongly disagrees. Neither of us have thyroid issues. Is there a right/wrong or is it more nuanced?


  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    I have both gained weight and lost weight on Paxil. I lost weight when I tracked on MFP at a rate expected for my deficiate. When the Paxil stopped working, I stopped tracking and gained weight. I am now on a three drug combination to control my depression. I am tracking and losing. The difference is tracking! IMHO it is the uncontrolled depression that causes the weight gain and not the drugs. If she tracked she would know if she is eating more and or moving less. If her medication is working correctly she might be more willing to track.
  • Pickle107
    Pickle107 Posts: 153 Member
    Grand. Thanks every one. I'll try and get her to join up and see for herself. Should be interesting (I mean that in a non-sarcastic manner). :)
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    I'm on meds that cause weight gain. But, when I track my calories and eat less, I lose weight anyway.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    You don't say whether your sister and you are on the *same* "antidepressant." They're not all the same and some have different effects on appetite and on things like how much you move.

    You finding it easy to track and lose on YOUR med really says very little about your sisters experience on HER med.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    If you could explain to your sister that if she were to weigh her food and track her calories as you do she may discover that it is the medication she is taking which might not suit her and could be reasoned information which might help her achieve a better product for herself.

    (I have a total distrust of so called thyroid numbers, being told you are in the normal range is common for many in the general population but it does not mean that if you are at the lower end of the range that it is high enough for yourself specifically. According to STTM, stop the thyroid madness, website, these numbers were calculated by using left over bloods at a hospital one week or weekend, the samples were not accompanied by information such as, was the donation from someone taking thyroid medication, does the donwner have family members with thyroid conditions, or even the complaint for which the sample was originally taken, so all we have are number relating to that hospital population at that specific time. This testing was never repeated, anywhere in the world)

    I found it useful to calculate the amount of iodine and other minerals I had in my diet. The medical advice is to have 150 micron of iodine a day or put another way 1/2 a teaspoon a year. 100 grams of Peas has 4 micron, Milk I think is 15 micron in 100 grams yoghurt is doubled. Dark green veg are similar to peas, information is available on line these are ones I remember. It is easy to go short if one is dieting. Selenium is essential for good thyroid function as are many other minerals and vitamins. Under qualified advice I have an intake of way above that level to achieve better health and well being. Iodine etc is used by the immune system and in mucus membranes to keep the body healthy.

    Being low in T3 can be a contributory factor in depression and other mental health issues. Regrettably when having a thyroid blood test taken many doctors even private ones do not test the t3 levels or the reverse t3 which indicates poor conversion and a greater need for various minerals etc. Many doctors look only for the tsh, the stimulating hormone and the t4, the presence of iodine in the blood. There is so very much more to thyroid function than is often given credit

  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    msalicia07 wrote: »
    Respectfully disagree- In most cases the medication increases your appetite and/or changes your activity level. This is commonly the culprit for weight gain. Once back to logging diligently, with a food scale, and following your weight trend, you can continue to maintain and even lose weight.

    While there is definitely a difficulty with appetite and activity level changes with some antidepressants, from what I understand, the research on this is still ongoing, as there are still some unanswered questions. Some research seems to indicate that with some antidepressants, there are other factors at work as well. Some of these block certain receptors, for example, which seems as though it may actually do things like alter the basal energy expenditure, potentially.

    Also, it's pretty well known that switching drugs can alter the weight gain for various patients, which may indicate certain genetic differences in how people respond to the medication (whether that is in appetite increases, activity, level, or something else is unknown).

    So for the OP - yeah, your sister could potentially be correct that something else is going on with the medication (no way to know without keeping track herself, but it's not outside the realm of possibility). Your situation may not be the same one she is experiencing. It could be, but there is literally no way to know without keeping track.

  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    aguilar_k3 wrote: »
    If you look around, the science on this is definitely not settled, and people's experiences vary. From my experience, the medication absolutely impacted my metabolism. I'm sick of people shouting "It's calories in vs. calories out!!!" while pretending that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING can impact the second part of that equation (even though we already know that isn't true).

    Until anti-depressants, I had never been overweight in my life. I eat reasonably well and exercise regularly--did then, still do. But after the medication, my weight skyrocketed despite my frantic efforts to stop it. I've gained 20+ lbs in about a year. I have tracked calories, carefully controlled my nutritional intake, and increased my exercise to no avail.

    The impact of these medications on our hormones--and therefore all of our bodily processes--is not fully understood, and people insisting they know for sure (without having experienced it themselves) are simply overconfident.

    and yet you stated in another thread that once you reduced your caloric intake you lost weight, SO... it wasn't to no avail, was it?
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I suggest you do not argue with her. Just tell her that you love her and you hope she figures her situation out and let you know if there is anything you can do to help.

    If a person is not ready for the truth shouting it louder does more harm than good.

  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    edited March 2019
    aguilar_k3 wrote: »
    aguilar_k3 wrote: »

    and yet you stated in another thread that once you reduced your caloric intake you lost weight, SO... it wasn't to no avail, was it?

    I think the eyeroll I just did reading this burned a good number of calories, so thanks for that I guess.

    Anyhoo, your comment far underestimates my level of Type A major geekery plus a finance degree with an indecent love for spreadsheets. Sick of being dismissed by people such as yourself, I kept a detailed diary that included measuring portions and tracking calorie burn using my Apple Watch. I should have lost about 8 lbs. I added up my numbers in a spreadsheet at the end of each week and tracked the variance from the expectation.

    What happened instead was that I started out losing about 4 lbs (yay!), then inexplicably gained 2 back (without going off the diet), and then plateaued. Hopeful that perhaps I was gaining muscle, I also took measurements I found basically the same outcomes. Overall, my weight loss was about 20% of the expected.

    Perhaps you have the willpower to maintain an 1100 calorie-per-day diet for life just to maintain your weight--although since you're also a member of MyFitnesssPal, I doubt it--but I cannot.

    All you have proven is that you expected weight loss to linear on a bathroom scale and it is not. What your spreadsheet proves is that you are a normal human that experiences very normal weight fluctuations.

    Your body requires energy to operate. If you burn more than you consume the balance of energy MUST come from somewhere and that is your energy reserves. Much like a balance sheet the assets and liabilities will always add up to zero as long as you are alive.