I just don't understand macros in general, I guess. I feel like every article I read and person I ask loses me within 10 seconds. They make no sense to me and what they defaulted to on here seemed really screwed up. I found a macro calculator online and changed my macros to what that said I should have, and now I'm…
At least it's not just me! I just discovered the forums (after using the app for 3 months lol) so I wasn't sure if it was just a normal glitch or not.
Thank you @AnnPT77 ! Awesome info to have. I can have peanuts/peanut butter, just not tree nuts (specifically almonds). I had a reaction to almonds so my doctor told me to cut out all of them, which sucks because I LOVE cashews. It's also hard because 99.9% of healthy recipes I find involve almond flour, which I can't have.
Thank you!
You can do it! It's 90% mental. Just change your mindset and you'll get there. We're here for you!
I did something very similar- lost 50 lbs and gained about 20 of it back. So mad at myself! Good luck, we're all here for you! You can do it.
Click on the persons name (I think twice) so you're in their profile and you'll see a button with a plus sign on it. Click that :)
@cat1490 EXACTLY. Carbs would be my spirit animal...if carbs were animals lol. They're my favorite thing ever and the most difficult part of eating correctly for me. No matter how hard I try, I ALWAYS go over on them lol
Just make different friends who have the same goals as you and support your lifestyle. You can have plenty of fun without having to go to parties and get wasted. Unfortunately, alcohol will in no way help your journey. If you go out once in awhile that's one thing, but the party "lifestyle" isn't an option if you want to…
Welcome! I try to stay between 1000 and 1200 calories as well (based on advice from my personal trainer + doctor, so no one yell at me lol). My main issue is staying full...I hate protein. :neutral:
They ended up going with "Will Run for Fries" lol...lame. I liked all of these better. Thank you all for helping me out! At least we tried lol
You guys are awesome! Thank you again!
Thank you everyone! There are a lot more options than I ever knew about. I'm obviously a newbie at this
Haha I'll have to email that pic to my team captain! Thanks! I work in Health Information at a hospital. I'm one of the people who makes sure doctors put their documentation in correctly and that everything they need (paperwork-wise) is there before surgeries, etc.
Thank you everyone! Haha pretty close! I'm 5'4"ish and he's 6'4". Thank you!
I like that one too! Thanks!
lol! Clever. Thanks for the idea :)
You may also be gaining muscle while losing fat which makes the numbers on the scale more unreliable. Try taking measurements of your body and/or before and after photos to give yourself a comparison. :)