AmandaDanceMore Member


  • I enjoy them a lot, but their brats and sausages are where it is at!!! The burgers are good and satisfying and a nice change of base from bean or veggie based burgers. I like that their showing up more in omni restaurants, so I can have a burger with friends.
  • Even at my skinniest and fittest, there wasn’t any clear definition of my abs. I was super strong and definitely had a strong core, but I didn’t eat or work to be super lean.
  • It’s not like you’re eating loaves of white bread and bags of cookies. Plants are good for you! The benefits far outweigh the cost. Keep up with your calories, be sure to eat ENOUGH (a lot of people fail at plant based because they don’t eat enough to not feel hungry all the time), and don’t get caught up in the whole…
  • Unless you’re trying to hulk out (you’re not) you’re most likely fine. It’s not like you’re sitting down eating a loaf of bread and a package of cookies (I assume). If you’re eating mostly plants, you’re doing way better than most. You can up your protein with some tofu and tempeh, and seitan. Maybe some protein…
  • I don’t tend to cook based a lot on recipes (some, but usually only when I want something really special), but the recipes and cookbooks I’ve used have never lacked in flavor. That being said, PARTICULARLY with cooking (versus baking) there’s no hard and fast rule that you have to follow it to the letter. If something…
  • Plant Based on a Budget has a meal plan that they say is about $25 per week (depending on where you live and where you shop). They have lots of great, albeit simple meals. May want to look into it. A lot of my cooking is done off the top of my head. When I’m working and living alone, it’s a lot of veggies (frozen or fresh)…
  • Right? Neither of my dogs are super motivated and they couldn’t care less about balls and frisbees. Even when my elderly one was young and high energy, the best way to get exercise her was to walk, run, bike, hike, or take her out with the horses. She liked sticks, but was really more into finding an excellent one and…
  • You and your dogs will all be happier if you spend some time (and probably money) on some training so that you actually look forward to walking your dogs. It should (usually) be a fun part of the day for all of you. And if your one is high energy, not walking it every day is not going to make it better. Mental and physical…
  • It is extremely restrictive to be low carb while eating a plant based diet. Plants have carbs. Good carbs. It’s not like sitting down and eating a loaf of white bread or a package of cookies. All plants have some protein, but, as mentioned, tofu, seitan, and tempeh have lots of protein, and are actually fairly low in…
  • You’re probably just fine on the protein intake unless you’re bodybuilding or living on fruit and bread, but tofu, tempeh, and seitan are all easy sources of protein. There are plenty of veggies that will give you little protein bumps, too, if you choose wisely and use them as staples. None of them have crazy high numbers,…
  • I work with farmers (I run the farm store, so other than lifting veggie crates and occasionally pitching in on the washing and packing, I don’t work nearly as hard as them). They are crazy buff, especially the ones that aren’t seasonal, but around year round. Definitely bump up to at least active. That being said, when I…
  • I found, when working with a trainer pushing me to keep my carbs low but my protein high (we compromised on around 100g a day for my calorie goal of 1320) that I was basically living on protein shakes and tofu scrambles. I had a few other tricks (chickpea pasta, protein bars, etc), and I could hit my protein goal, but I…
  • There are so many dairy alternatives, both in the stores and things you can make if you are so inclined. A lot of the store bought products are especially good for helping you over the “but I miss cheese!!!” hurdle. At this point in history, with so many people trying veganism, there is a diary free replacement for…
  • I spent some time working with a trainer who also had some macros requirements for me. Mine were a bit different than yours, but still high protein (around 100) and low carbs. It was impossible to hit the protein goal without going over in carbs, and I had to rely heavily on tofu, tempeh, protein powder, and protein bars…
  • Yeah, but, which is healthier? Working yourself to the bone so that you’re too tired to eat properly, or making time for some structured exercise as well as trying to eat a half way balanced diet? I may have been pretty skinny and definitely had some muscles, but I constantly suffered from headaches, slept lousy, and was…
  • I have a new job that’s a bit more physically demanding than my last (lifting, more walking, on my feet a lot) and I will say I’m at least maintaining despite struggling with my habits while I get used to a new schedule. I spent 12 years working in the horse industry and definitely maintained a baseline of fitness that was…
  • Tofu scrambles are pretty easy and you can clean out the fridge with veggies doing them. Otherwise, I just do protein powder in a smoothie. I’ve played around with a vegan pancake recipe and added my protein powder to that, too, because I have a wicked sweet tooth in the mornings.
  • Not the best person to answer as I’m not a fan of salads and eat them rarely, but my go-tos are salsa and balsamic vinegar. I actually don’t like most store bought dressings (or can’t eat because of milk or eggs in them). I did find a nice one recently that’s only 20 calories per tbsp, I think. My favorite way to dress a…
  • I like the Hampton Creek mayo. I’ve been really happy with Follow Your Heart vegan cheese. It melts great on a sandwich (it melts slower, so I’ve lowered the heat from what I would have done a grilled cheese at), and the Parmesan shreds are decent. They at least tickle the parm spot that I need to hit when I use it. I…
  • James Brown- Get Up Offa That Thing
  • I am vegan (full time. Not just during the week) and I almost never eat salad. There’s a whole world out there of delicious food that doesn’t include meat, and most things can be made vegetarian pretty easily. Vegan isn’t a whole lot harder, but takes a little practice. Anything is better than nothing. Even meatless Monday…
  • Vegan.
  • I have a vegan mac n cheese recipe that is quite good. The sauce is amazingly cheesy. I now make just the sauce to keep on hand for pasta or burrito bowls or for nacho cheese. It’s made of cashews, potatoes, carrots, onions, shallots and a variety of seasoning and spices. It’s a 120 calories per half cup (and I actually…
  • Plants have a lot of carbs, but it isn’t the same as eating a loaf of bread or a box of cookies. Fruit has sugar, but it isn’t like eating a bag of Swedish fish (wooo! Accidentally vegan!!!). If you're losing weight an feel good, then why change? Adjust your macros a bit. Maybe a little less fat to make up for the carbs…
  • I find you have to allow for more carbs because fruits and veggies have lots of carbs (it’s not like you’re eating a loaf of bread, though. Way different). I am working with a personal trainer who uses macros right now and I’m his first full on vegan and we’re struggling to find macros that I can come even close to…
  • (Not a celebrity). I tend to limit the amount of bread (and other delicious baked goods love) purely because sometimes I get more bang for my calories by eating other things. I’m also currently trying to hit certain macros and trying to get bread to fit doesn’t work (I don’t plan to maintain this, and I suck at it anyway,…
  • I am vegan and working on hitting high protein. I try to have tofu, tempeh, or maybe seitan or a beast burger (Beyond Meat) every meal to help get my goals. I usually do a protein shake for breakfast and a protein bar for a snack. I average about 100g as a vegan doing that, which isn’t easy but it is doable. If you are…
  • Thug Kitchen is awesome. They have cookbooks and a blog. I also love Plant Based on a Budget (they actually have a meal plan that’s pretty good if you’re trying to save money but also eat vegan). There’s a video on YouTube that’s tofu basics for beginners. I recently watched it as I’ve never really been big on tofu (my…
  • I rarely crave a salad, but tonight I am.