HoldBackTheDawn Member


  • I am in the same boat. Having major difficulty losing weight and dx with insulin resistance. I finally found good doctors after being told by many that i just needed to be stricter-- I never ate poorly and gained 40lbs in 4 years. From 140s-180s. I also can not function on a ketogenic diet nor do I lose weight on it, and…
  • Personally I find when I cut carbs all I do is crave sugar. I feel and do better on a balanced diet of protein, carbs, meat. My food choices are usually whole and fresh. I never eat fake food or frozen food. I find heavily processed foods really slow me down. For example, if I ate a cheeseburger thats homemade w real…
  • Sounds great. I feel like a new woman in the am w a bagel, an egg or two, some cream cheese and a bite or two of fruit. I eat bfast like a king i really do. But I find it keeps me satiated all day long