PricillaKorea Member


  • I would try eating the right kinds of food in more generous amounts. If you eat bad kinds of food in smaller amounts I found that I would feel awful too. I switched out my sweets for fruit and cookies for whole foods and felt better. Guilt was a big reason why I started improving my diet.
  • Thanks for the advice! I will look into it, it's tough when you live in the middle of no where to do anything like that!
  • I would make sure that you are eating the RIGHT foods too. Sometimes it isn't all about the calories. If you eat too much processed stuff even if it is low in calories it will still cause you to gain weight.
  • I am the polar opposite. I mostly follow a vegan lifestyle. I never binge or crave anything. I eat so much grain and pastas and rice and I still lose weight. From what I understand the pales diet restricts these things. I love my high carb low fat diet! My acne has cleared up and I have more muscle toning. I understand…
  • I personally would not recommend low carb diets because your body runs on glucose which is what carbs are broken down into. I always used to have massive binges on high fat low carb. May just be me though...