carlabillie Member


  • No I haven't but then again I look at my self everyday so don't really notice any difference Iv taken a before photo so maybe in a few more weeks will take another and compare! It's my hips that are a big problem I'm very curvey!
  • It's just frustrating I was planning to lose pound a week but the last two weeks Iv lost nothing and stayed at 8.12 don't know where I'm going wrong Iv stuck to calorie goal and done a lot more exercise than normal..
  • I started at 9.1 stone managed to get down to 8.12 without the shakes but it's been two weeks now and still weighing in at 8.12 I'm 4 foot 11 so trying to get down to the 8 stone mark! The weight just don't want to budge and I'm doing a lot more walking etc
  • Yes two shakes a day which has 230 calories in and a main meal which is usally about 600 calories and with the added snacks it's coming up to my 1200 calorie goal which is what is set on here! Although Iv found I am really hungry so have just one shake a day now for lunch and a good breakfast and dinner :)
  • Brill thankyou!