jennypapage Member


  • As mentioned ,i think it's a few reasons. 1)To lose as much weight as possible because it's dangerous for them to be at these weights. 2)To prove that they're willing to do the work. Like he tells them, he gives them the tools to succeed but they have to do the work. Initially they all think it is not going to be hard, and…
  • Same here ,my whole family has it. yes you do have to wait 30' before drinking or eating anything other than water. i have been taking meds for about 15 years now, haven't noticed any differences at all .
  • When i first started i couldn't run for 3' straight. 4 years ago with c25k i went from never having run in my life to running 20k (about 2h non stop). I had to stop because of an injury and i just recently restarted with c25k again. 6 weeks on i can run for 25' straight. So i definitely suggest it. You'll be less prone to…
  • Most of the veggies i eat now are veggies i ''discovered'' later in life. Problem was, my mom loves to boil vegetables to death. So i never liked broccoli, cauliflower,beans etc. When i moved out i started trying them out roasted, and loved them . I can also eat them boiled or steamed ,but they still need to have some…
  • i was on a 4 week vacation and i ate like a pig. I dreaded getting on the scales, but once i did, i realized the damage was not as big as i thought it would be. And even if it had been, i know what i have to do to lose weight,it's not a big deal.
  • The only help for me, is that like any other beverage in big quantities,it makes me full. so i can buy a 1.5l bottle of zero cal. ice tea, or i can make me a couple of cups of hot tea, drink all of it and i won't be hungry..I 'm also not a big water drinker, so it helps me pee.A lot.
  • my bf bought a hazelnut tart kind of thing from the bakery yesterday. I ate half and logged it as 800cals. It was so good,it was worth it, but it will take me 3-4 days to even out things.
  • i'm currently injured myself. first time since i started running. 2 overworked muscles on the same leg, really close to each other. it's been 2 weeks already, and i have no idea when i will run again. i've been feeling better , but haven't tried running yet.i 'm hoping in the next couple of weeks i'll be able to start…
  • i can't say there was something i hated/didn't like,which i now eat. What happened is, i am much more willing to try new things now than i was before. I have tried so many vegetables in the past year, and i ended up liking most of them.Before, i wouldn't even try them just by the way they looked or smelled. So i am more…
  • yes i did lose more than i wanted to. i had a number in my head, but i just wanted to fit comfortably in my pre-gained weight clothes. It turns out that when i reached the number i wanted, my clothes didn't fit any more properly. I ended up much smaller than anticipated. Granted, i like how i look, i was just hoping to…
  • you mention it...i just might aim for that then.i mean, what's an extra 1.1km,right? :smiley:
  • @Mooma29 well you might feel differently about it, or you might not.It's still a bit early if you ask me,give it some time. There are days when i wake up and think to myself "i don't want to do this today".But i get dressed and go out and do it, and then i come home and think "that was fun!". It's so funny how my mentality…
  • @mmecraine & @Mooma29 i started enjoying running after i finished c25k and i stopped feeling so exhausted every time i ran.In the beginning it was kind of a chore, cause i was struggling throughout. Now, i enjoy it most of the times- though not always. Never in my life did i think i could be a runner. In the beginning i…
  • My Tomtom runner gave me 368 calories for a 10.3km run in 1h8' at 6.33 min/km. MFP gave me 368 calories for running at 8.4 kph (7.2 min per km) and 59 minutes. If i had chosen to input the correct info on Mfp, i would have gotten a much higher calorie count, but it would not reflect the truth. Unfortunately the amount of…
  • i'm not in the process of losing weight anymore, i'm maintaining, but if anyone is interested in camaraderie, you can add me. I'm 147cm (4.7'-4.8'?)and weigh roughly 42kgs (92-93lbs)
  • just how simple it is to lose weight this way. i just had to eat as much as i was allowed and poof! weight gone.
  • Did you know? If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would remove 51,833,607 tonnes from the total weight of the world's population You're most like someone from Ethiopia* Really?Ethiopia?
  • I eat out once every few months, except if i'm on vacation. I make my own meals from scratch 2-3 times a week(something like meat and potatoes/pasta),and make double or triple servings so i can eat for 2-3 days.The remaining days i will eat something like tortillas with ham and cheese, or store bought soup,or homemade…
  • nope. i don't do cheat meals. i had a whole pizza by myself once i reached maintenance, (hadn't had pizza in a year and a half), no adverse effects. Then again, i've been eating plenty of carbs and fat during my weight loss, so why would it affect me?
  • i'm lactose intolerant but only milk and yoghurt (everything except greek yoghurt)affect me. Cheese and ice cream are fine. I don't know where you live, but where i live, there's lactose free milk and lactose free yoghurt. Almond milk, coconut milk, oat milk, cashew milk , soya milk are also available. You can make your…
  • i always wonder why none of these people ever back down from the surgery after they lose those 50lbs before the surgery. Obviously they can do it, with the surgery done they will still have to follow a miserable diet for the rest of their lives,possible surgery complications, and regaining the weight is always a big…
  • i don't drink coffee,so haven't tried that, but when i eat greek yoghurt, i add protein powder in it together with some fruit (or no fruit).It makes the yoghurt sweet, so it doesn't need any honey or anything like that to make it yummy. I'm always looking for ways to incorporate protein powder in my meals and i have some…
  • i usually get up at 4.30,cause i have to be at work at 6.i would not do this by choice, as i really really like sleep.going to bed at 20.30 while it's still daylight outside is not really great either,but if i don't, i don't get enough sleep.Aside from feeling tired later in the day, i haven't noticed any other side…
  • I actually find them motivating, because they remind me how i do not want to end up.
  • uhm, i guess you can call it that if you use oatmeal...
  • I'm glad you're taking the advice to slow down. Mixing up your routine will be more beneficial to you than just running the same distance as fast as you can.
  • could it be an overuse injury? from what i can remember,you're fairly new to running, so running every day might be the reason behind your pain.Also, take a few rest days,or you can do bigger damage by trying to push through it.
  • you started a month ago from nothing and you can already maintain an 11km/hour pace for a whole hour? Either you have really long legs, or you must have already had a great cardiovascular base.And there i was, getting all excited today for finally doing a 5k in 30' . How many days per week do you run and how many kms in…
  • this is one of my biggest fears. i trip in every run, sometimes 2-3 times, on the stupid sidewalks that are not flat.I always manage to stay upright, but i fear that my luck will run out. When i approach sidewalks or parts of the road that i have tripped on before, i make sure i lift my legs higher.And i try to run on flat…