Resavoir Dogs
Spot her incase Cinerfella... B)
Climbing the walls of your halls!? >:)
Hey...that tickles!
Bouncing off the walls here!
Look for a way out, check mate! :D
Stem to stern? Rusty trombone? Frog likes it!!
Sounds like an STD....yuckie! Ribbut! :p
Try licking the frogs back, you'll never go back!!! Ha-ha :D
My lady has a tramp stamp, a tribute to Mom's everywhere! It says "MOM" flip her upside down and it is what it is!!! Slurp... Lip smacking hot!!!! >:)
If you're lucky!
Of course, I'm a frog!
I'm encouraged by your weight loss. Keep up the great work! I'm a newbie myself, I love positive feed back! It will help with the huge transitioning into healthy lifestyle changes! Again, congratulations!!!
Heavy fat, is that more dense than say light? Lol think I'll stick to cardio
Hey, Matt here. Just starting this journey myself. I've been up and down the scale, a few times. Now, first week using MFP and training at a gym. I'm hoping to loose 100 lbs this year, hang in there and train hard! B)
Mostly bottled water with lemon. I cup coffee in morning. Seltzer occasionally.