Got2lose43 Member


  • Once a week since I started lc 2 weeks ago!
  • Welcome Stephanie.. im new to and in the uk:) ...... I feel like I have lost the plot with food this weekend.. Ive not tracked and I need to ...tomorrows a new day and thankfully no partys etc due for a while which makes it easier for me to stay on track...Ive still kept away from rice,pasta,potatoes.... I have had one…
  • Gorilita I have had pain a year and went to drs December and still trying to sort it out... go see them it might be just a quick fix and its best to know so you dont damage yourself...I am giving it another month of physio and if no better I am getting a second opinion..I Need to run before I go crazy lol :)
  • @MoonKat7 yeah its fine to ask..I have had hip pain for a year and they reckon its a bad imflammation of the joint ... so been going to physio now about 3 months and no further on it making it better...Really miss my running!
  • Thanks for such a lovely welcome everyone :)
  • Im hoping to lose 28lb by Christmas... I am banned from the gym by physio at least a month but been banned from anything but spin for a long time ...I love running and done 2 marathons but not allowed to do that now until they sort out whats wrong with me booohooo..just off shopping to get my foods sorted then on for a…
  • Thanks for the welcome..I will have a good read....I am wanting to lose about 28lb to start ,In the past I have lost over 140lb but I keep putting on and losing about 30/40lb... I need to find something I can be happy with once I reach my goal rather than think ok I have lost it now eat what you want ..I was diet…
  • Im getting married August to and want to lose about 28lb last 2 weeks its not moved...fingers crossed this week :)