imar0se Member


  • Good luck on the challenge. I'm starting a walking challenge of my own today but I don't have a step counter. I am going to walk until my knees ache or for 30 minutes, whichever comes first. My goal is to make it a daily priority...which is in itself hard to do. Karen in Nebraska
  • This weekend I went to 2 birthday parties in 2 days. I was able to avoid all of the sugary treats at party #1, and only had 1/2 a piece of cake at party #2. I was so proud of myself for not overdoing, and even said "no" to a free Subway sandwich because I knew I would eat the whole footlong eventhough I wasn't hungry. My…
  • I'm new to this community and to logging my meals. I've seen some improvements in my food choices and lost 10 pounds in February. I'm here looking for motivation and encouragement to lose another 10 pounds every month until the end of the year to get me back to my ideal weight. Right now, I'm just trying to make it through…