
  • imar0se
    imar0se Posts: 3 Member
    I'm starting the 10,000 steps a day challenge. Wish me luck.

    Good luck on the challenge. I'm starting a walking challenge of my own today but I don't have a step counter. I am going to walk until my knees ache or for 30 minutes, whichever comes first. My goal is to make it a daily priority...which is in itself hard to do.
    Karen in Nebraska
  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    Lordie, I think we need to start a 5'2" tall club! I am, as well. OK, I'm actually 5'1 and 3/4" tall. So, I round up. Sue me. >:)

    Lisa in West Texas

    Laughing at this too! I was 5'1 3/4" tall until I underwent extensive (and lengthy) chemotherapy for Valley Fever when I was 34. Ever since then, I've been 5'2" - chemo can make you taller! The first times the nurses measured me at the doctor's I made them verify that they didn't just round up. I couldn't believe it!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    I am 5' 1-1/2".....used to be 5' 2". When you are short every extra pound hurts. LOL

    Good luck Lisa!

    Walked the Pom and am determined to get out and clean out my Knock Out Rose bushes. I don't know if there is any hope for them because I have not taken care and they look awful. More dead than alive. At least I bought some rose food and some azalea food so will try to doctor them up.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Good luck Lisa! Will be thinking of you as I also pray for my husband who has another phone interview this morning. This time with a community college just south of Pittsburgh.

    We've discussed "separating" for work purposes. If we get to a point in this journey where it looks like he "has" to open his geographical search to areas beyond my "liking" , after following him everywhere these last 34 years, I may just go and live with our daughter (who will be in Richmond, VA) for lengthy periods of time. As we have passed the 50 + years old mark I find myself alone a lot (friendless and familyless) and really want to be around a stable place with some family within my reach. Especially should I need support during an illness of mine or his. His Asperger's allows him or prevents him, depending on how you look at it, from "needing" relationships beyond me and our children. I truly feel I have been "denied" those things and I finally speaking up loudly about my needs. He understands and is doing his best to accommodate.

    Beautiful day here. This week temps promise to rise....! Tulips, daffodils and crocus are sprouting in my garden!
    We will taking a long walk this afternoon.

    This morning I did my SWST workout. Upped the weights to 5 lbs from 3 lbs. Also thru in some of my neck exercises from PT for my headaches.

    Reading a fabulous book. The Light Between Oceans by M. L. Stedman. Really makes you think about what you would do in their situation.wy131lk6qjsz.png

    Can I join the 5'2" club?! Only 5' 31/2" here!

    Wishing everyone a good day,

    Warm and Sunny Fairlawn, oHIo
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone. I'm still sick as a dog. This crud is hanging on way too long. Can't stop coughing. I'm calling the doctor's office and see what they suggest.

    Not much to report otherwise. My weight continues to climb. I'm afraid to actually get on the scale, but I know I'm growing out of my clothes and all my loose skin is filling up again.

    Watched Downton Abbey last night and enjoyed it. Sad to see it end, though.

    My son asked me to go get his oxygen bottles refilled this morning, but Hubby did it instead. He was supposed to go to Joplin for a doctor's appointment today, but he's blowing it off. Says he's too sick to go. He says the ambulance came out again on Saturday night. There is an Alpha1 support group meeting in Kansas City on Saturday, and I'm going to that even if he won't. Hubby said he will go with me. And I might take the kids. Hopefully I'll be feeling better by then.

    Well, I'm at the studio and hoping to get something accomplished if I can stop coughing long enough.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    morning peeps -

    thanks to all for your kind words and thoughts, made the snot start to come out again lolololol....

    today it was a rainy morning riding to the gym, Kirby was nice enough to adjust my back breaks for the 2nd time, and he said this is the last winter with this bike, you're getting disc brakes. I have had this bike for 4 years, I didn't realize it had been that long. right now they are having a spring sale on bikes and one like his (only for girls) is selling for just under 500 bucks with the sale, that's insane ( in a good way ). I have a feeling I am going to get a new bike by May, before the sale ends. discs brakes are so much better for the kind of riding I do during the winter he says.

    I didn't workout at the gym yesterday and I didn't record all of the stuff that I did around the house, laundry, folding, making him gruel, re-arranging the living room a bit, etc. yesterday I drove to work to bring some stuff for the week so I wouldn't have to carry it with me on the bike but I forgot to bring my bananas, that alone was heavy. I saw they had flax seed again at Costco, so I bought a bag.

    Kirby was able to run 4 miles, I ran with 1lb ankle weights with him on Saturday. I started to post my MS thingy on FB to start to get pledges. Kirby is still not sure on how far he will be able to ride. we're going to do a trial run from the house around browns point to federal way and back (about 35mi) to see how he feels on hills etc.. it will be interesting to see how he does. we are both excited, his surgery is on 3/21, hopefully that will get fixed.

    as I am typing, I got my first $20 donation!!!

    type to you later
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    I'm starting the 10,000 steps a day challenge. Wish me luck.

    You can do it by seeking every opportunity to get up and walk. :smiley:
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    10,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge

    Goblet squat-3X7X 25
    Russian Kettlebell swing-34X 15 X 25 = 510

    Day 7 Challenge Total- 2575

    To be honest I did not want to do these today! However, I feel so good having done them! Sometimes in order to accomplish our goals we have to push ourselves beyond what we think we can do.

    Now it is time for me to get up and take my puppy for a 2 mile walk. I am trying to do this three times a day to get his energy level down. I am also in the 2016 MFP1000 mile Walk Challenge. It is nice to do these things with other people.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited March 2016
    Oh Sylvia, it's breaking my heart :'( Please see a doctor and get well soon!

    I'll also join the 5' 2'' club, though I may not be quite that tall anymore. My mother used to be 5' 4" but with her bone density loss she's now shorter than me.

    Sending positive thoughts to West Texas, Lisa!

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    This morning's workout:

    Triceps Extension 3x10x10
    Lunge 3x10x5
    Abdominal Crunches 3x12x10
    Dumbbell Row, Two-Arm, Bent-Over 3x10x10
    Standing Biceps Curl, Dumbell 3x10x20
    Leg Curls 3x10x8
    Side Leg Raises 3x10x8
    Leg Extension 3x10x8
    Overhead Press, Barbell 3x10x20
    Front Squats, Barbell, Arms Crossed 3x10x5
    Front Raises, Straight Arm 3x10x10

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    10,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge

    Goblet squat-3X7X 25
    Russian Kettlebell swing-34X 15 X 25 = 510

    Day 7 Challenge Total- 2575

    To be honest I did not want to do these today! However, I feel so good having done them! Sometimes in order to accomplish our goals we have to push ourselves beyond what we think we can do.

    Now it is time for me to get up and take my puppy for a 2 mile walk. I am trying to do this three times a day to get his energy level down. I am also in the 2016 MFP1000 mile Walk Challenge. It is nice to do these things with other people.


    Mary from Minnesota

    Mary you are totally awesome. Good for you for doing them when you didn't feel like it. That's why you look so great :)


    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited March 2016
    I too used to be 5'3 3/4" before my knees got so bad and rubbed bone on bone for years. I was hoping when they replaced my knees I'd gain a little height back, but no such luck. Now I'm 5'2 1/2".

    Janetr OKC
  • Miss_Hiker_Pants
    Miss_Hiker_Pants Posts: 229 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Yay! Women my own age with the same struggles! I have been on a plateau for about a year. If I could count the same 5 lbs I lost and gained. I would have lost at least 100lbs. It's starting to move, a little bit.. Getting ready to start conditioning for some backpacking trips this summer. I have 15lbs left to lose. Time to get moving!

    Welcome, you'll love it here. A great group of supportive ladies. I understand you totally. I always tell everone I've lost 1500 pounds in my lifetime. :) Tell us a little about yourself and your location. Glad you found us.

    Janetr okc

    Oh well, I am pushing 52 yrs old.. I had lost 60lbs, but quit smoking and gained 30 back.. I've lost 1/2 of that gain but now menopause kicked in and laughing at me.

    I run 3x a week, and getting ready to run my first 10k at the end of March, and I hike / backpack all the time.
    I live in the PNW, (Washington State) and it's full of beautiful opportunities to get out and enjoy nature.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    Hi Pip we're driving through Tacoma and waving to you

    Will get home in about two hours and be able to pick up pets and walk 10,000 steps :smiley:
  • linnellal
    linnellal Posts: 49 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies. And a warm one it is. It's supposed to be in the 60's all week here which is welcomed by everyone even though we know that we are not out of the snow zone yet. Enjoy it while we can. Be outside as much as we can. Soak up that Vitamin D and Smile!

    Today I'm driving 3 hours south to Iowa City. I'm spending the night there and tomorrow I have an all day dental appointment at the University of Iowa dental college. They do very good work. I'm having a crown done and we are continuing work on a dental implant. I have two more of these all day appointments to look forward to and then we are done. Thank a supreme being of one's choice. I will be happy to not have to drive down there all the time. And it will all be done before my knee replacement surgery in April. I don't know who is watching over my schedule but they are doing a grand job.

    I am still in awe of you ladies that can keep track of everyone here. I'm still learning names and situations. I'm wondering if I should start to take notes when I read the posts. Then it wouldn't get quite as confusing. I might try that.

    I have to remember not to go into Barnes and Noble when I'm in Iowa City and get a specialized coffee at the Starbucks there. They are LOADED with calories. My favorite is the Java Chip Frappe. The biggest size they have is not big enough. But there is like 1000 cal. in each of those. Back. Step away from the coffees. There is nothing to see here.

    See you all tomorrow!
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    I hike / backpack all the time.

    Miss Hiker Pants! :smiley: Lemme know if I can talk you into hiking together, this summer. :smiley:

    Larisa in Seattle
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    NSV- I have been wearing Women's size 20 jeans for YEARS. They were getting baggier and baggier, needing a belt to stay up. This morning I tried on a Misses size 18 jean that had been WAY too tight for YEARS. They fit and I wore them comfortably all day! The Misses sizing doesn't have added room for belly like the Women's sizing does, so I didn't think they would fit!

    That is a wonderful NSV. Congratulations- keep it going, oh yeah :)

    <3 Rosie

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    LOL! All of the talk of being 5'2". My mother was 5'2 as were both of my sisters. I however, got some heighth (5'8"). I always wanted to be that tiny little thing that all of the boys could pick up or was the "flyer" on the cheer team. I was tall and lanky before marriage and I hated it; until I met my best friend who worked at the same summer camp as I. She was a wonderful 6' girl, with long limbs and bronzed from the sun. She oozed confidence! She was from the other side of the state, so after summer ended it took some work for us to hang out, but we managed; driving to one side of the state or the other and going out to bars, etc. She told me "If you are entering a room, tall is already a benefit. DO NOT WEAR FLATS! Wear your heels and own being tall! Stand straight and be confident in being tall. Confidence is intimidating to others and intimidation narrows the playing field!" LOL! We were a goofy pair, but we had FUN!!! Spent a year in Mexico trying our hands at different jobs/lifestyles, then she came back to the U.S., grew up and joined the Navy. My fun ended! :(
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    KLLaMore - Sounds as if you found a great friend, wish some one would tell my two daughters this :) They are both 5'8" and hate it. They got their height from their father. I wish I had some of their legs. I guess we are never happy lol

    Janetr OKC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    KJ ... Another 5'8" gal here. Hated being tall when I was younger ... Made dating a challenge ... And I've never been willowy ... One of the reasons I was attracted to my husband was because at 6'2" and looking like a lumber jack, he made me feel small! I think I've lost a half inch or so though.

    Beth near Buffalo