erider0505 Member


  • I drink it to, but I have found myself wondering, is it truly healthy for you? Is all that fat first thing good for you? Are you better off eating a good breakfast vs. doing the BPC? I don't know.
  • @bowlerae Thank you! I haven't tried it with heavy cream. I do 2 TBPSN butter & Coconut Oil & 1 TBPSN Brain Octane. I will try heavy cream too. I am also trying to following a keto diet. Just want to make sure it is healthy, as that is my main goal.
  • Thank you. All of your comments make so much sense. Everything in moderation. Kind of like the 80/20 rule. That is a way of eating that I can stick with.
  • @bethany68 - I drink 1 tsp Himalayan Pink Salt in 8oz of water every morning and it keeps things running smoothly for me. You may try that. Also try to be at 80% Fat, 15% Protein and 5% Carbs. Also, drink 1 gallon of water a day too. You need to water to flush everything out.
  • @dmt4641 - may I ask what Protein Powder you use? I did buy Shakeology and honestly, I am not crazy at all about the taste or the price.
  • @dmt4641 - Today is my first day starting 21 Fix and I found your post really helpful. I have followed LCHF diets in the past, but was looking for something that was more sustainable for the long run and to just improve my overall health, so I decided to give 21 Day Fix a try. I am glad I read your post.
  • Would you say 'Everything in moderation'? Naturally focusing on more whole foods vs processed.
  • @Hornsby - Thank you!
  • @Hornsby - I was always told in order to burn fat you need to significantly lower carbs and eat fat. I have been told to eat a least 1,600 cal with 175 grams of fat, 75 grams of protein and 25 grams of carbs. Is this not so? It has worked and I do feel good. However, I am looking for a way to eat/exercise that will just…
  • Your body needs healthy fats (coconut oils, grassfed butters, etc) Carbs turn into sugar in the body if not used up. In order to burn fat you need to eat fat and lower your carb intake. You won't be hungry or feel deprived at all. I follow a high fat/low carb diet and test my Ketones every morning. Follow the 80% Fat, 15%…