KombuchaKat Member


  • Maybe this is not so much about how much you are eating as what you are eating. Try cutting down on the sugar and upping the protein, but you don't have to go super crazy with the protein. Also consider taking some B vitamins to help your energy level and magnesium for recovery. Be patient, you just started heavy lifting…
  • Depo-provera is just a long acting synthetic hormone. Both the shot and the pill are forms of progesterone. So its all synthetic hormone birth control, just a different delivery method. As a side note depo-provera is also used for chemical castration. Doesn't that sound great? You're getting the same shot as men who are…
  • Hypoglycemia is not a normal state of being. It shows that we have completely lost touch with what is healthy that this would be dismissed as something trivial. It shows that there is something wrong with your hunger/satiation hormones and your body is likely not processing sugar effectively. If a medication is causing…
  • It makes me sad that women still feel the need to attack each other. Society seems to build it into us from a young age. We should show each other compassion and listen. Just because one woman has had not issues does not mean that will be true for everyone. And like I said in my other post, it took years and years of…
  • I totally get not wanting to have a baby. I'm 37 and do not want children by choice. I have managed this long to avoid getting pregnant both on and off hormonal birth control. We are not uncivilized animals that cannot resist our urges so much that we have to compromise our health to avoid unwanted pregnancy. And getting…
  • It could be more of a mental thing than physical. I think withdraw would be more like headaches, nausea, etc, which some people do get when they quit sugar. I did a program called "I Quit Sugar" before which I think is pretty good. They, and the World Health Organization, recommend 10 tsp of added sugar or less/day. The…
  • Writing this again, hopefully will not be deleted. It took 15 years for the damage from hormonal birth control to accumulate for me. It does not always happen immediately. Over time it reduces your good gut bacteria, messes with your neurotransmitters...I could go on but there are lots of resources online you can check out…
  • Checking to see if this convo might have been locked by MFP admin. I wrote something additional and now it's not here. Maybe it was a computer glitch...but I'm going to check back to see if this is here later. I would be extremely unhappy if this convo got blocked since I do not think anyone has said anything that terrible…
  • I've never been on depo but I was on the pill for many years. I stopped all hormonal birth control about this time last year due to multiple issues, fatigue, hair loss, anxiety/depression, etc. Over time any form of hormonal birth control will mess with your system. I realize that this does not answer your question but…
  • Agreed. And wheat is certainly not a necessary food group so if it bothers you just cut it way down or eliminate it.
  • In general, men tend to lose more weight from exercising and women tend to lose more weight with diet. What you are saying actually makes total sense to me. Your hormones make it easier to build muscle which in turn is going to make it easier to burn fat which is why you are seeing more progress with exercising. Maybe for…
  • Love Butter
  • I don't think you need to wait to be able to do something like hand stand pushups to start stronglifts/use the bar. I lift fairly heavy on the bar but can't do hand stand push ups but I am working towards them. It's fine to mix it up with weights and bodyweight and in fact I think that's a good idea so you are working…
  • I think 5x5 or NROWL would be great, just be mindful of how heavy you are lifting. You might as well start with what in my opinion is the best way to lift and the most effective use of your time with the weights. Scale accordingly. You could also try Crossfit or a Barbell class if you are totally green.
  • It seems ridiculous to get upset about this, whether it's cheating or not. I would say just establish whether or not it counts for the next challenge and no harm no fowl this time. I sounds like a weight off your shoulders to be rid of this person in the end.
  • You could try reducing the refined sugar if you have not already. The fructose half of sugar is shunted directly to the liver where it is transformed into fat. That fat tends to collect mostly on the stomach and around the face. If you've already reduced or eliminated added sugar then this might just be a hereditary thing.…
  • Full fat all the way, raw if at all possible.
  • Hahahahahaha! Sugar is sugar...he is kind of a tool. Somehow all his "helping" just comes off with a bad stink around it. I'm getting way off topic but sometimes I wish celebrities would just stick to being celebrities. I'm more offended by them telling me what's good or bad for me than the government. Any way you slice it…
  • I could not agree more about farm subsidies, amen for bringing that up! Although since I avoid HFCS like the plague it at least eliminates quite a bit of junk food from my diet right off the bat :smiley: Unfortunately we can't go back in time and undo those stupid subsidies and misguided policies. We can only try to undo…
  • I agree. If you have been living under a rock somewhere and haven't gotten the memo about excess sugar being bad maybe paying more for it will get you to rethink your behavior. Then you can choose to either continue or discontinue your excess sugar consumption.
  • Since you consume sugar responsibly I would think you would not see too much of any change. Over time people who knowingly consume things that are harmful will end up with the health consequences of those things. We know that sugar in excess is very harmful. If the tax is being used as a deterent and going towards the…
  • You could do a crustless quiche. Lots of recipes online.
  • I haven't had a drink in about a month. I'm a weekend warrior type drinker, all or nothing. I can easily go weeks without drinking but once I start it's not over until I've closed the bar down. It has definitely stood in the way of my weight loss and overall health (I also struggle with anxiety and would love to get off…
  • I have been doing 50/30/20 but I might try 50/25/25 for a while. I think that's more how I've been eating anyway...
  • I just try to make sure to eat a bit more carbs on days with heavy exercise. But I don't worry too much about refeeding with carbs since I eat carbs every day. I walk at least 5 miles every day, do Crossfit 3x/week, hot yoga 2x/week and Yin/restorative yoga 1x/week, on the average week of course there are variations.…
  • I would agree that fiber can backfire (pun definitely intended LOL) on you. I have to balance it out by making sure that I'm consuming plenty of gut healing substances like gelatin/collagen and also some adapogens like maca, ashwagandha, etc seem to help. I do much better with cooked or fermented fiberous foods. Too many…