patsyhiggins17 Member


  • Hi well done you! I started AGAIN on 22nd February and today achieved my first stone loss (14lbs off) I'm so pleased. I love this site it encourages me to exercise, keeping fit and helps me to control my calories but let's me have the other stuff not allowed on most diets. I'm so motivated at the moment. It's a great site.…
  • I weigh every day but am obsessed - God only knows why as my weight is the same despite my lifestyle and diet changes
  • Hello can you recommend a Fitbit for swimmers - not keen on the flex as it doesn't show the time on the face.
  • My calorie allowance is 1200 plus I swim most mornings giving me an extra 388 - I think that's too much. Anyway I've been under my calorie goal for most days - I've gone over on two days by about 30-40 cals. Yet only 2lb weight loss over 2 weeks it's driving me insane.....