Daily weighers!



  • FoxyMars25
    FoxyMars25 Posts: 112 Member
    In the past, I would never weigh myself every day as it really frustrated me but I downloaded the Happy Scale app and have been using that and weighing myself every morning and it has really helped. My weight fluctuates a lot which can be frustrating but right now, the trend is showing that my weight is going down. Normally, I will get a new low and then for days after that, my weight will go up and bounce back and forth for a while and then all of a sudden, I will hit a new low. Then the process repeats (the number just doesn't go as high as before) and then I hit a new low again. I have found that I really like the data and this app keeps me from sweating over the fluctuations.
  • arya8
    arya8 Posts: 316 Member
    I weigh myself daily and most of the time I see a drop every two weeks or so. I'm set to lose a pound a week but I fluctuate daily by .2 or so pounds and then I see a drop of 1.5 to 2 pounds every two weeks.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Days go up and down. I usually have a gain after a more salty evening meal, and usually have a loss after a less salty evening meal. I check to see how today compares to 7 days ago and to 30 days ago. I have to weigh and record every day to do that.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Nothing wrong with daily weighing unless it leads to becoming obsessed with numbers...
  • rolenthegreat
    rolenthegreat Posts: 78 Member
    I've been weighing everyday for about a month and I enjoy seeing the overall trend. It tends to fluctuate a pound or two during the week.
    Also I'm only going for a small amount of weight loss, so I feel like if I only weighed once a week there's a good chance I would miss the downward trend just due to water weight/constipation/midnight snacks and such.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,470 Member
    I weigh myself daily and always have ... well, since I was about 15.

    The fluctuations are interesting.
  • kimkimcoleman
    kimkimcoleman Posts: 105 Member
    I weigh myself daily. I usually have my lowest weight on Sundays, then I can go up 1-2 pounds during the week. Then all of a sudden I usually drop again but I know what to expect so I try not to worry about it. As long as my highest weight of the week is lower than last week's highest I know it's working.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,242 Member
    I weigh daily and for me it comes off at the end of the ..erm.. month. No seriously, once a month. The rest of the time it goes up and down by small bits (i.e. fluctuations). I use Libra to see the trend.
  • quintessential1
    quintessential1 Posts: 54 Member
    I weigh myself everyday. I am trying to loose 50 lbs. To date I have lost 31 I want to make sure what I am doing is making the scale numbers go down -not up.lol
  • AnikaNck
    AnikaNck Posts: 17 Member
    I love weighing myself every day! I use happy scale which uses the data to predict my weight loss goals. It also creates a moving average so even when I see the scale go up or stay the same for a period of time I know my overall trend is still going down. I love it!
  • SherriB1983
    SherriB1983 Posts: 4 Member
    I also weigh everyday. I honestly just started my weight loss journey about 12 days ago. I got soooo excited when my first 7lbs melted off! And I haven't changed a thing, but according to the scale it looks like I've already hit my plateau. Because I've weighed the same the past 3 days. A good friend of mine is a health nut and she's telling me not to weigh everyday because of things like this. It's so motivating seeing those numbers go down, but once they stop going down it honestly makes you feel like you are doing something wrong when I know I'm not...

    weight loss is not a linear process - i.e. I'm going to lose x lbs every week - you may go up, you may go down - I know its hard to not focus on the number, but treat it like a piece of data that influences your overall health
    I also weigh everyday. I honestly just started my weight loss journey about 12 days ago. I got soooo excited when my first 7lbs melted off! And I haven't changed a thing, but according to the scale it looks like I've already hit my plateau. Because I've weighed the same the past 3 days. A good friend of mine is a health nut and she's telling me not to weigh everyday because of things like this. It's so motivating seeing those numbers go down, but once they stop going down it honestly makes you feel like you are doing something wrong when I know I'm not...

    weight loss is not a linear process - i.e. I'm going to lose x lbs every week - you may go up, you may go down - I know its hard to not focus on the number, but treat it like a piece of data that influences your overall health
    I also weigh everyday. I honestly just started my weight loss journey about 12 days ago. I got soooo excited when my first 7lbs melted off! And I haven't changed a thing, but according to the scale it looks like I've already hit my plateau. Because I've weighed the same the past 3 days. A good friend of mine is a health nut and she's telling me not to weigh everyday because of things like this. It's so motivating seeing those numbers go down, but once they stop going down it honestly makes you feel like you are doing something wrong when I know I'm not...

    weight loss is not a linear process - i.e. I'm going to lose x lbs every week - you may go up, you may go down - I know its hard to not focus on the number, but treat it like a piece of data that influences your overall health
    I also weigh everyday. I honestly just started my weight loss journey about 12 days ago. I got soooo excited when my first 7lbs melted off! And I haven't changed a thing, but according to the scale it looks like I've already hit my plateau. Because I've weighed the same the past 3 days. A good friend of mine is a health nut and she's telling me not to weigh everyday because of things like this. It's so motivating seeing those numbers go down, but once they stop going down it honestly makes you feel like you are doing something wrong when I know I'm not...

    weight loss is not a linear process - i.e. I'm going to lose x lbs every week - you may go up, you may go down - I know its hard to not focus on the number, but treat it like a piece of data that influences your overall health
    I also weigh everyday. I honestly just started my weight loss journey about 12 days ago. I got soooo excited when my first 7lbs melted off! And I haven't changed a thing, but according to the scale it looks like I've already hit my plateau. Because I've weighed the same the past 3 days. A good friend of mine is a health nut and she's telling me not to weigh everyday because of things like this. It's so motivating seeing those numbers go down, but once they stop going down it honestly makes you feel like you are doing something wrong when I know I'm not...

    weight loss is not a linear process - i.e. I'm going to lose x lbs every week - you may go up, you may go down - I know its hard to not focus on the number, but treat it like a piece of data that influences your overall health

  • Slashnl
    Slashnl Posts: 339 Member
    YalithKBK wrote: »
    I've held on to weight for 10 days straight and then lost 2 pounds in 24 hours. Weight loss is not linear and you shouldn't expect the scale to go down every day. Also, everyone is different. Some people lose a little at a time. Some people (like me) lose in chunks.

    Honestly, there's nothing wrong with weighing yourself every day as long as you have REASONABLE EXPECTATIONS about what you're going to see. A helpful tool is a weight-trend tracking app (say that 3 times fast). I use Trendweight.com. It takes your daily weight fluctuations and smooths them out into a line. Here's mine as an example:

    As you can see, the scale goes up and down a lot! But, the overall line shows my weight steadily dropping. Hope this helps!

    Thanks for sharing this. I like this chart a lot!
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    Weighing every day taught me about fluctuations so I don't panic if the scale moves the wrong direction. It just works better for me. My weight range every day is about 4lb fluctuation depending on time of day and diet the day before. Knowing this and tracking trends gives me a more realistic and complete view of my progress.
  • jbirdgreen
    jbirdgreen Posts: 569 Member
    I weigh every day. Mostly because the scale is in a really convenient area and it has become a habit. I use the bathroom in the morning -- hop on the scale. Brush my teeth at night -- hop on the scale. I usually keep one day out of the week for my official weigh-in.

    Things I've noticed: my weight is sometimes 2-3 pounds lighter in the morning than in the evening. Also, I have irregular periods and the scale has kind of helped me to predict when it is going to start -- My weight is heavier than normal, even in the mornings.
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    I weight everyday... It keeps me motivated and on track and accountable!
  • HGarcia1527
    HGarcia1527 Posts: 69 Member
    Ahhhh!!!! I do the same thing. Always weighing. Sometimes I will go 8 days with no progress but then jump down four pounds. As long as you are averaging a weight loss and you know you aren't doing anything crazy like eating a tons of bad foods and not burning any calories don't ever worry. You will see a drop.
  • patsyhiggins17
    patsyhiggins17 Posts: 5 Member
    I weigh every day but am obsessed - God only knows why as my weight is the same despite my lifestyle and diet changes
  • jessiferrrb
    jessiferrrb Posts: 1,758 Member
    another vote for daily weighing and using a trending app to track fluctuations. also, +1,000 for weight loss not being linear. TOM and salt will cause me to spike up by 3-5 pounds sometimes. and i tend to only see a new lowest weight about once per month at this point, i would be going crazy if i didn't have a trend to look at which shows me that this months heavy days were January's lightest days.
  • BlueSkyShoal
    BlueSkyShoal Posts: 325 Member
    I weigh every day. :)

    Here's some recent up/down weight loss I've experienced (daily):


    Hope that helps give an idea. Of course it is discouraging to go from 155.6 to 156.8 the next day, but as long as the general trend is downward, it's all good.
  • ds41980
    ds41980 Posts: 133 Member
    I weigh everyday and its really helped me accept that weight loss is not linear but it is possible. My weight loss shows about every 4 to 5 weeks. On the 4th week I will lose about 3-4 pounds over the course of a few days. I am set to lose about a pound per week but like I say it shows after about 4 weeks.