Deviette Member


  • Humans used to sleep in two batches before the industrial revolution. This is before being reliably able to stay awake into the night because of streetlighting etc. So common it that old books make reference to "first sleep" and "second sleep" but don't explain the term (meaning that the reader obviously knew what they…
  • Okay I have another one: Why is the search so big? I mean, isn't that going to dredge up loads of old threads? We hate old thread. Like seriously. The community prefers people starting new topics rather than people bumping up an old thread and saying "hey I also want to ask this question". Because people ALWAYS respond to…
  • Initial thoughts (I am on PC): The font feels like it's zoomed out. Like the text is actually blurry and generally difficult to read. I feel like this is specific for PC as on mobile, text is generally larger and I foresee this as a non-issue. Zooming my webpage into 125% it takes the font to something that doesn't look…
  • Huel isn't designed to completely replace all meals. Even the most committed people have it for 2 out of 3 meals a day (breakfast and lunch, then have a normal dinner). Also I do not recommend going from zero to high consumption in one go (actually Huel don't recommend it either): Huel has quite a high fibre content and if…
  • Just because you've never experienced something doesn't mean it doesn't happen. When I was my lightest adult weight (ie "normal" BMI) I could polish off a large domino's in one sitting, no problem. Before you say that that was my problem and is the reason I'm now overweight, I also didn't own a car and cycled and walked…
  • Congrats on your weight loss so far! Not wishing to pour water on your ambitions, but I would like to mention that as you lose weight, the rate of weight loss will slow down, so it might be wise to manage your expectations. With your current weigh loss you're averaging around 1.5lbs a week, which is quite fast, but fine…
  • I have a fitbit charge 2. I strongly recommend connecting it to MFP so then you don't need to worry about adding in your exercise separately. Although I would set up the weight loss section on fitbit to have the same goal loss as on MFP (eg. to lose 1lb a week), I think it's fixed now, but certainly at one point if they…
  • SW: 73.5kg GW: 62kg Round 164: SW: 73.5 GW: 72.9 EW: TW: Day/Weight/Comment 9/29 - 72.9 - Still coming down from the weekend. Good eating yesterday although was hungry in the middle of the day. But powered through. Finally decided to switch my calories from very slow loss mode (-250kcal per day) to normal loss mode…
  • SW: 73.5kg GW: 62kg Round 164: SW: 73.5 GW: 72.9 EW: TW: Day/Weight/Comment 9/29 - 72.9 - Still coming down from the weekend. Good eating yesterday although was hungry in the middle of the day. But powered through. Finally decided to switch my calories from very slow loss mode (-250kcal per day) to normal loss mode…
  • Weekend catch up SW: 73.5kg GW: 62kg Round 164: SW: 73.5 GW: 72.9 EW: TW: Day/Weight/Comment 9/29 - 72.9 - Still coming down from the weekend. Good eating yesterday although was hungry in the middle of the day. But powered through. Finally decided to switch my calories from very slow loss mode (-250kcal per day) to normal…
  • SW: 73.5kg GW: 62kg Round 164: SW: 73.5 GW: 72.9 EW: TW: Day/Weight/Comment 9/29 - 72.9 - Still coming down from the weekend. Good eating yesterday although was hungry in the middle of the day. But powered through. Finally decided to switch my calories from very slow loss mode (-250kcal per day) to normal loss mode…
  • SW: 73.5kg GW: 62kg Round 164: SW: 73.5 GW: 72.9 EW: TW: Day/Weight/Comment 9/29 - 72.9 - Still coming down from the weekend. Good eating yesterday although was hungry in the middle of the day. But powered through. Finally decided to switch my calories from very slow loss mode (-250kcal per day) to normal loss mode…
  • It's been a long time since I've been on one of these threads, but I have always enjoyed following along with this set of threads SW: 73.5kg GW: 62kg Round 164: SW: 73.5 EW: TW: Day/Weight/Comment 9/29 9/30 10/1 10/2 10/3 10/4 10/5 10/6 10/7 10/8
  • Active weight loss phase: Daily weigh ins Maintenance or very slow weigh loss phase: Weekly weigh ins (at most, sometimes even longer) I'm a numbers person, I love to track data, but if I'm not actively trying to lose weight, I don't find the daily weigh ins helpful.
  • I'm here just to add a +1 to this sentiment. I am 5ft 2", so I'm not as short, but still in the short bracket. I am eternally annoyed (only mildly mind) by people who say hand down that you shouldn't need to exercise for weight loss. I know what they mean, and for larger people it is true, however, when you are small and…
  • We have so much garlic in our house because of this I swear!
  • First thing is definitely to focus on your sleep. Sleep deprivation tends to make people more hungry and then we tend to overeat. For that, the thing that jumps out at me from your schedule is that you'd really benefit from bringing food out with you. Before you go to bed, make up a lunch box for the next day or pack…
  • The consumer group Which? has done some analysis (which is what the podcast references):…
  • My knees. I've learned to love (well, more like, not dislike) all the other parts of my body, but my knees are weirdly shaped and look weird. Also I have a family history of bad knees, so that's also a thing.
  • On a semi related subject to the discussion. Has anyone else listened to (and been surprised) by the segment on the podcast "More or Less" (ep. Death, Tax and Dishwashers), where they compare the environmental impact of handwashing vs using a dishwasher and came to the conclusion that using a dishwasher had a lower…
  • The phrase may sound dramatic, but like many idioms that does not really translate into it's actual meaning. The phrase itself mean to continue to defend one's position, even in the face of serious opposition (it doesn't imply that you may lose this fight, or win it, it's just that each sides have strong opinions). And…
  • It eternally surprises me how much people just assume there's little to no papermaking industry in the UK. Back during the toilet roll shortage I had an acquaintance say to me (as part of a group conversation), with seriously levels of authority: "And of course all the toilet rolls are shipped over from China" which I…
  • Sorry was letting my privilege show there, obviously that final sentence should have read: "TLDR: I cannot see any reason why any human being capable of doing washing up would need to use paper plates in their own house." It was too late to edit my previous post
  • As someone who used to work in papermaking: nowhere near as much as paper production. Paper making is an exceptionally water intensive process. Even if you used a sink load of water for one plate, you're probably still not using as much water as was used in the production of a single paper plate. On the subject of the…
  • We use gusto for a couple of meals a week. It's nice to not have to plan some meals and we use it as more of a "instead of a takeaway" and it's really reduced the amount of takeaways we've been eating since we got it. We tend to go for meals that we wouldn't normally make otherwise as when we started we had a mix of the…
  • I do this because I know that I will just devour a full bag in one go. Same goes with cookies, cakes, pasties. Basically, I have learnt I neeed to buy smaller packets to stop myself from being myself
  • I try and get my vitamins from real food generally but I supplement with multi vitamins if I'm unwell and not eating properly, or if I'm feeling a little run down. I do also take vitamin D in winter as directed by my GP because it really helps my mood.
  • Just in case people forgot this thread existed -Bump-
  • At 18 your body is still in the process of changing because of puberty (It can continue to around the age of 21). That consistent body shape that you had when you were a younger teen may simply no longer be achievable without putting your health at risk. This is partially because of this wonderful thing that female-born…