mick102760 Member


  • Restart on May 27th you can add me😁
  • Long story short...But my husband and I own a Theatre for Adults with Disabilities ....Taking care of others leaves you forgetting to take care of yourself I learned this year. I lost 28lb. Felt like I tried for 10 months the in one month I lost it all. Not true but that's the way it felt. OK...Now I gained 10 back and I…
  • And Company. Lol
  • I'm back as well, kind of took the Holidays off to gain some weight back......So now I'm going to get back to feeling good about myself and looking forward to a new year :) cutting back on food is the hardest for me when coming back :( but seeing the scale go down after the first week always encourages me. So here's to…
  • I do eat dark with salt ....didn't know it was less...thanks for that :) :
  • I use photo's now to ...thats the only way i caan tell anything about my weight....i was all of 102 pounds through Til I was in my 30's so ...oh no i don't expect that would look good on me now :) feeling comfortable...sometime i am to a fault! Til i see a photo or pass a mirror. My family has stopped asking at holidays to…
  • Oh...just saw this...well.....you know i didn't do so hot......and i did get my hands on some M&M's...stuffed with Pretzels! Lol ...i wanted the chili :) or coffee ...this is a first for me to get back so quickly though...thank you for the support.....ok..i'm think when i hit my goal.. I'm gonna celabrate with those coffee…
  • Luck to you! That weight watchers really seems to work and i know a lady about your age maybe a bit older and she's looking great. Funny it seems you never know what is going to be slow and whats going to be fast. I try the same thing 5 times and get 5 different results....not sure but i think it just depends on ....EVERY…
  • :) 5'3" and 55 started wanting to lose over 30 lb. 20 of which i gained in a year and a half on med. Now I have about 21 to go before i jump for joy but I have a feeling some of what I'm losing may come back because i always stall out. I have 2 adult boys and care for 32 special people not including my husband and 2 dogs…
  • Ok day 2.... I've decided to friend myself for support til someone comes along. Yesturday i found a great motivator....non of my clothes fit any more and everyone ( coworkers) have noticed i wear the same 6 outfits over and over. Went and had to try on clothes.... :/ any time i think i'm done ...go try on clothes....those…