herrerajr693 Member


  • I've thought about it, I heard it can help minimize fat gains while trying to build muscle but as for simultaneously building muscle and losing fat I'm not sure how accurate that will be. Regardless, generally lifting days should be higher carb days, as for cardio days maybe keep carbs moderate if you're doing a lot of…
  • BSN Syntha 6 best tasting protein on the market in my opinion. I've tried a lot of other ones and some even made my stomach hurt. My 2 favorites are the chocolate peanut butter and peanut butter cookie! Small tub is about $30 big tub is $50.
  • Just focus on losing pounds for now until you are within average body weight (and you will get there just stay persistent!). Once you hit that milestone then you can decide how lean you want to be which is where BF% comes into play. Until then focus on the goal at hand.
  • Yeah I don't like weigh myself more than once a week or I get irritated because it looks like I'm only losing a tiny bit of weight versus the full pound to 2 pounds I see once every Sunday morning. Weighing yourself daily won't make results faster basically but personal preference kind of thing I suppose.
  • http://www.muscleforlife.com/the-definitive-guide-to-carb-cycling/ This might help give you some more info on it. I've thought about doing it but I don't really think it's necessary. Hope that helps!
  • BMI is unreliable as it doesn't account for body composition. Have you had your body fat percentage measured? If not you can get some calipers on amazon they're fairly accurate and only like $10. It'll be a better determining factor for body composition and then you can decide on either losing more weight or maybe building…
  • Don't lower your calories anymore just yet. Just stay at it and also make sure you weigh yourself with the same scale and preferably at the same time of day as you'll get a more accurate reading. If you still don't lose weight drop calories by 100 and see if you lose weight then.
  • This^ I've been having between 200g protein, 180 carbs, and 70g fat a day and have been losing a pound to 2 pounds a week. Low carb is good on rest days maybe but other than that it comes down to how many calories you eat versus burn.
  • No, there are a lot of variables with body weight daily that show different readings on the scale most overall being fluid retention in the body which gets higher throughout the day. I weigh myself every Sunday morning when I wake up after using the restroom as most people find that to be most accurate. If you don't want…
  • Congrats!!! Most helpful advice if youre not already aware is to be in a Calorie Deficit. If you don't eat less energy than you burn you won't lose weight after a certain point. You should be able to lose a constant pound to 2 pounds a week using the app.
  • More of a personal preference kind of deal unless you're doing some heavy cardio in which case a snack would be good IMO
  • ^This. You gotta eat less energy (calories) than you burn. But make sure you eat enough too! If you're tracking calories already and not losing weight cut daily intake by 100 calories and see if that works. If not cut another 100 and so on until you lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. Any more may be unhealthy. It's tedious at…