charmurr Member


  • My husband has the sweetest tooth on the planet and tries to bring home what he thinks I would like to have. I don't buy or bring any of it into the house! Cookies, ice cream, pies. Unreal. And yes of course, I fail sometimes. However, I've come a long way. He eats it in the living room and I remain in the kitchen cleaning…
  • It seems no one speaks to one another on these posts so I decided to respond to yours. I didn't care in Jan either. Xmas bills came due. Anyway, I was here last year and it was an eye opener. Here I am again. The one thing I get hung up on is the snacking during the later hours of the day. If I can get past this hurdle,…
  • Well I have to say writing it all out, food intake, I'm becoming more aware. Depressing in some ways because the realization is I would need to slow up on the intake. I love food. For breakfast I consumed 1300 calories! I have spare ribs in the crock pot. Breakfast was great but I'm not smiling anymore.....
  • Good morning to all. I always start out strong first thing. Feel empowered. I exercise 4, 5X's/wkly. In the morning of course. As the day rolls out however, my resolve rolls in. Later in day is when I see family and chit chat and of course there's always food. We love snacking and chatting. This is where the pattern needs…
  • For me, anxiety causes snack attack. I've decided to do more yoga and meditate in evening. I've been doing it here and there but time to up it. I don't know about the rest of you, but around here my husband has the sweetest tooth on the planet. He is forever looking for the one sweet he knows I would enjoy. Death by…
  • Do you ever listen to TED Talks? There is this guy, Matt Cutts, talking about how to break bad habits. To become curious. He even encourages doing whatever the habit is, mindfully. I eat when I feel anxiety. Weird how I seem to think it'll calm me down when in fact I regret it. For instance, I had to tell a job today I…
  • To help you get back on the dreaded machine, just start by putting your sneakers on. Nothing more. Maybe you'll feel like continuing. Maybe you'll have enough. The trick is to have momentum on your side..... Do the same thing every morning (or whenever) and see how "far you'll go".
  • I'm thinking you responded to my post. You're the first. Thanks. Since you are new like me, I know to click on the Quote in blue below someone's post and you'll be right below them. Like directly talking to one. Anyway, I just picked up on this. I'm looking for more of a personal experience with others. The hopes for the…
  • This is good. I woke this morning and worked out. Had my coffee with cashew/vanilla creamer. Then from there had a smoothie of 1/2 banana, 1/2 avocado, cocoa, almond milk, and maybe something else in there. Home from work 2-ish, had rice and some Indian chicken dinner I made last night (spicy). It is now 6pm.... Snack…
  • I read how hunger comes on slowly and the snack monster grabs hold fast. So to be mindful of actual hunger pangs..... I also read if you wait till hunger sets in one over eats. I have developed a habit and now want to reign in, be relaxed instead of the anxiety I feel. The fear I won't stop once I begin. Breathe......…
  • OK. So what is next. We are in but in what? Do we respond to one another? Individually are we "journaling" for ourselves? Hi all!!
  • So I am curious then. Why be here on MFP? Keeping tabs? I remember when I first started with this maybe a year ago I was a little shocked by some numbers showing up. I mean, was I really consuming that many calories?! So I began to look a little closer only to discover that cutting back was not so easy. As a matter of…
  • I think this will be my 5th or 6th post and no one has yet to comment. I mean I've been on other, whatever they are called, with this being the 5th or 6th. Anyway, what does it mean when people respond saying "add me". What are we being added to? Someone's personal blog? I get when someone says they need to be held…
  • 47 lbs is a lot. What is the mindset? How are you doing it? Exercise? Less food? Combination? Does it have to be a daily struggle or are you just so proud of yourself which makes it seem easy? For me, I know if I chill out and not eat so much (nightly snacking), I'll be fine. However I have found myself doing this to…
  • Snacking is my problem. Noshing through the day with my "normal" meals. I'm sad over it which makes me even sadder which in turn I snack more. I must remember to smile more...... I'm new to this community note taking and hope if I write things down (actually I've taking pics on phone and logging later) I'll begin to sit up…
  • I am in come Feb. It's clear on my own this is a battle ground for me. Perhaps if I come to terms and acknowledge this "issue" I'll be a tad more mindful.
  • I'll be 51 next month. The habit I have developed is eating (snacking) 5-8pm along with dinner. There I am making dinner and eating all the way through. By the time dinner is on table, I'm feeling pretty bad. Only to find myself mindlessly continuing. WTF!! This is a new pattern. It's as if I become detached from myself…
  • Sugar is definitely the enemy. I also have a hard time reducing my caloric intake. I am now 50 with things slowing down. Food used to be my bestie and now..... I need to respect it.