My first dvd that I did was Rodney Yee he's great x
Any time x :) :)
I'm not familiar with yoga on you tube but I've just had a look and there seems to be a lot on, all I can say is, yoga is such a personal journey and what appeals to one person doesn't appeal to another so id try a few different ones and go with what feels right for you because that's what's resonates with your vibration x
Thanks, I'll check it out x
I've done classes for 3 years feel like I'm led to doing it on my own now, I am a qualified fitness instructor so I'm pretty much keyed in on alignment and posture
I'm 51 and still a size 8/10 sure it's a bit harder to keep toned and fit but that's what makes it worth it, you can achieve anything you want if your willing to put the work in x
I usually do Mark Blanchards power yoga DVDs which are great but this app is designed for your own personal development honest it's really good
[ That's sad, life's meant to be meaningful and enjoyed, take positive action and get out there x
When you actually enjoy cleaning the house and seeing the washing blowing on the line.
This post more about me being bored, so taken positive action and I'm going out tonight X :)