Well, time and autopsies will tell which eating pattern is really junk.
I meant that focusing on plant foods isn't just my preference. There's tons of literature supporting minimizing animal products and focusing on plant foods for health. That's all. Anyways I'm leaving the discussion now...didn't mean to rile everyone up.
This is far from the truth. I encourage everyone to read the literature and then make their own decision. Have you looked into these materials?
True you can lose weight with a deficit and eat anything...but you'll be walking the path towards chronic diseases. If you want to be thin and feel like crap then by all means only be concerned with a calorie deficit.
Read the China Study/watch Forks Over Knives:) If you're eating too many (really any) animal products, esp if you're eating a lot of protein/dairy/fat this can make losing weight a challenge.
You can make plant based versions of all your fav animal based foods that are delicious. There may be a small adjustment period but your tastes will change and the benefits are so worth it. I think meat tastes good but I value my health and my body more than meat taste (esp when there are so many great alternatives)
Avoiding highly processed and refined foods and opting for Whole Foods is great regardless of eating pattern. Tastebuds and perceived difficulty of eating plant based aside...there's an impressive body of research linking intake of animal foods with all the diseases people simply blame on obesity and aging. It's more…
Carbs are great for you though. Ketogenic diets are associated with long term negative health outcomes (cancer, kidney stones and diseases linked to high animal product consumption). Eating a variety of whole plant-based foods is the way to go and is a sustainable way to achieve optimal health.
Read The China Study/Watch Forks Over Knives:) You'll have to eat larger quantities but can def gain weight on a plant based diet while reducing risk of cancer and a myriad of chronic diseases.
I have an 8 month old and I'm in the best shape of my life since switching to a plant-based diet. Have you seen Forks Over Knives or read The China Study? Being healthy is much easier when you understand the science behind the links between diseases and nutrition.