rachelli342 Member


  • I don't know if someone also said it but I find fruit to be the substitute if I am craving sugar- my body is craving the vitamins that come w I th the sugar not the sugar itself, when you go to work pack oranges, apples mangos and multi vitamins. That is the only thing I have found that works really well.
  • Yup. Very Normal- my progress line is a big zig zag - a slightly downward trending zig zag but still there is about a 3 pound difference each day :)
  • Thank god I am not the only one!!! This is happening to me too and because of it I have lost a ton of motivation for staying away from sweets. For me (even though it is hard for me to reconcile in my head) I know my weight fluctuates on a monthly cycle and my period is always the worst time. A little hiccup on the way to a…