Naomi852021 Member


  • I’m also struggling without the gym. I really loved going to the gym environment. I hate exercising outside of the gym. I know weight loss is mostly about nutrition, but when I’m going to the gym too- I eat better as I just feel stronger in myself and not like a fat slob. I just find exercising at home really weird. Like…
  • Hey guys thank you! These are great suggestions. When I’m in hard core diet mode, I have Americanos with a small amount of milk- this drastically reduces the calories but still has a lot of liquid. You’re absolutely right, I know what to do but I think my problem is very simple from reading all this, I get it. I want it…
  • I’m so embarrassed of my stats. I just gained 5KG in a few months. At the moment I’m 170cm and weigh 81 kg. I had a baby last year and have lost some of it but keep gaining back. I was 93 KG after I had the baby and could not breastfed and dropped to 76 by eating next to nothing for a few months. I am usually around 70,…
  • I do measure everything when I’m trying to lose weight. Every little thing. I had two coffees, each with 250 ml of semi skimmed milk. I overcount that slightly to come out at 250 calories. It’s what I have pretty much every day. Same sized cup, same amount of coffee. I even weigh tomatoes in my salad and have special…
  • I just feel like the more I eat, the more I want to eat. So if I had 1000 calories for breakfast - I would just be wanting to eat all day long. Whereas the longer I put off eating, the less I eat in the day. What’s that about ?
  • I am actually very good at counting calories when I DO it. It’s when I don’t do it that it just goes mental. I can’t just eat normally I feel. My semi skimmed milk has around 250 calories. I don’t have sugar in my coffee, but coffees suppress my appetite hugely. So I had two big cups with lots of milk. The cheese was also…
  • Thanks for the response. What are you trying to get at bu breaking down what I have eaten ? Did I give you the impression that I don’t know how to count calories ?
  • I think I’ve just restricted so heavily in the past- around 1000 a day, that now I even find it difficult to stay within anything reasonable. I’ve lost all ability to know what’s too much or too little. I go between eating too much, to eating too little. So I just let go of the reigns a few months ago and I e gained again.…
  • So...a couple of years ago I overdosed on shiritaki noodles. I thought I had finally found the answer to all my troubles and I would never be hungry again in my life. So one day I completely over did it. I probably had around 4 packets...I felt so nauseous, I haven't touched them again since. I think it's the cognac flour…
  • Hi guys, So how are you doing intermittent fasting? How often ? I'm interested in this. I sometimes don't eat anything all day and then have a meal in the evening. Thanks !
  • Yeah it's all true.. You're all right. I haven't ever tried proper weights stuff WHILST eating lower calories and properly tracking them. ( I always thought I was eating right, but didn't realise I was probably eating too much).. I'll give it a go.. Also- what's the consensus on consuming 1000 Cals a day? All cool? Or too…
  • I just don't like the building muscle type exercises. Squats always make my thighs look even bigger and I feel like a fool using the machines
  • Okay. Does speed have anything to do with it?
  • Eh I wrote a really long post and only a bit of it was posted.. Anyway So, yes I'll mix it up a bit- and no I don't run 1 hour every day ! That would kill me. I should have specified. I run an hour 4, maximum 5 days a week. I also bought a Fitbit today as I didn't trust the treadmill calorie burn. However as of today's…
  • Hi Guys Thanks so much for the replies! I've never posted anything online before